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Difool's collection
Premium Member
66 artworks
1,433 comments received
2,622 comments posted
Learn more about me by reading 2DG's What If...?
Un été indien - Planche 10
Milo Manara
Les 7 vies de l'Epervier-T1 La Blanche morte
André Juillard
Blanche Epiphanie - L'aéronef électrique
Georges Pichard
Personnal love - A love of my own
Frank Frazetta
Tanguy et Laverdure -T16 La terreur vient du ciel
Laureline - Couverture BoDoï
Jean-Claude Mézières
Exterminateur 17
Enki Bilal
Incal - T5 Galaxie qui songe
B. J. Hawker-T3 Press Gang
William Vance
La nuit de l'araignée
René Follet
Hamlet - Jingi
Enki Bilal
Difool's Galleries
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All artworks (66)
Bilal (5 artworks)
Boucq (1 artwork)
Dany (1 artwork)
Delaby (4 artworks)
Dodson (2 artworks)
Follet (5 artworks)
Fournier (1 artwork)
Franz (1 artwork)
Frazetta (1 artwork)
Garcia Mozos (1 artwork)
Gillon (1 artwork)
Gomont (1 artwork)
Guarnido (1 artwork)
Hermann (4 artworks)
Jijé (1 artwork)
Juillard (2 artworks)
Loisel (1 artwork)
Maëster (3 artworks)
Manara (4 artworks)
Meddour (2 artworks)
Mézières (2 artworks)
Moebius (2 artworks)
Murphy (4 artworks)
Pichard (1 artwork)
Risso (2 artworks)
Rossi (2 artworks)
Serpieri (5 artworks)
Tardi (1 artwork)
Tillier (1 artwork)
Vance (2 artworks)
Wrightson (1 artwork)
Xavier (1 artwork)
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Enrique Abuli (1 artwork)
Brian Azzarello (1 artwork)
Enki Bilal (5 artworks)
Philippe Bonifay (1 artwork)
François Boucq (1 artwork)
Jean-Michel Charlier (1 artwork)
Pierre Christin (5 artworks)
Patrick Cothias (1 artwork)
Dany (1 artwork)
Philippe Delaby (4 artworks)
Luc Dellisse (1 artwork)
Anne Delobel (1 artwork)
Jean-Pierre Dionnet (1 artwork)
Terry Dodson (2 artworks)
André-Paul Duchâteau (1 artwork)
Jean Dufaux (2 artworks)
Denis-Pierre Filippi (1 artwork)
John Flanders (2 artworks)
René Follet (5 artworks)
Jean-Claude Forest (1 artwork)
Jean-Claude Fournier (1 artwork)
Franz (1 artwork)
Frank Frazetta (1 artwork)
Luis García Mozos (1 artwork)
Paul Gillon (1 artwork)
Jean Giraud (2 artworks)
Pierre-Henry Gomont (1 artwork)
Greg (2 artworks)
Juanjo Guarnido (1 artwork)
Hermann (4 artworks)
Matt Hollingsworth (1 artwork)
Jijé (1 artwork)
Alejandro Jodorowsky (1 artwork)
André Juillard (2 artworks)
Stan Lee (1 artwork)
Jacques Lob (1 artwork)
Régis Loisel (1 artwork)
Maëster (3 artworks)
Makyo (1 artwork)
Milo Manara (4 artworks)
Fabrice Meddour (2 artworks)
Jean-Claude Mézières (2 artworks)
Moebius (2 artworks)
Victor Mora (1 artwork)
Sean Murphy (4 artworks)
Georges Pichard (1 artwork)
Silverio Pisu (1 artwork)
Hugo Pratt (1 artwork)
Rick Remender (2 artworks)
Rebecca Rendon (1 artwork)
Eduardo Risso (2 artworks)
Christian Rossi (2 artworks)
Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri (5 artworks)
William Shakespeare (1 artwork)
Jim Starlin (1 artwork)
Jacques Stoquart (1 artwork)
Jacques Tardi (1 artwork)
Béatrice Tillier (1 artwork)
William Vance (2 artworks)
Jean-Luc Vernal (1 artwork)
Bill Wray (1 artwork)
Berni Wrightson (1 artwork)
Philippe Xavier (1 artwork)
Toshihiko Yahagi (1 artwork)