Frequently Asked Questions
Note: Most functionalities described in this FAQ require to be logged in.
- How to add an artwork to your gallery ?
- How to use search features ?
- How to add a publication reference to my art ?
- How to receive a daily notification when art from my favorite artists gets added to the site ?
- How to filter the type of art i want to see on the site ?
- What can i do after adding an user as friend ?
- How to choose artworks featured on my profile ?
- How to move an artwork to another gallery ?
- How to manage additional images ?
- How to set up a wishlist ?
- How to find sales matching my wishlist entries ?
- What are weekly theme galleries ?
- How to use hashtags ?
- What is the "Best-Of" gallery ?
- How to use the events calendar ?
If you do not find the answer you need regarding the website use, feel free to contact us
How to add an artwork to your gallery ?
Once registered and logged it, you will gain access to the + Submit Art button from the top menu.
Just click on it and follow the form instructions !
Once this gallery created, click on the + Submit Art button again.
Adding an artwork online requires at least to provide :
- An image by clicking on the "Download" button (you can choose an existing image from your hard drive or take a photo on the fly with your mobile phone or tablet).
- A title.
- An author name: just start typing the author's lastname and you'll get suggestions of artist's names from our database.
You can them submit the form by clicking on the "Add artwork" button located at the bottom of the form.
Going further:
Fields description and notice
- Creation year
Ex : 1967 -
Technique and support
The media detail field allows to provide additional information on used technique and support.
Ex: Acrylic on gessoed watercolor paper - Dimensions
Height and Width should be provided in cm without mentionning units. Dot is used as a decimal separator
Units will be automatically converted to UK units (inches) on the artwork page.
The dimensions detail field allows to provide additional information - Inscriptions and signatures
Ex: Signed and dated (bottom left): Steve Clark 96 - Description
A short and objective description of the artwork.
- Comment
This field shall be used to comment the art and provide some personal remarks or additional references when needed.
Please avoid external links unless they do really enhance artwork background and understanding (ie making-of, analysis ...)
Exhibitions references (soon available)
Bibliography and publications
Additional images
Those visuals could for instance be image details (close up on strips) , picture of the back or any related pictures.
How to use search features ?
There are two ways to perform a search on the website:
> From the top navigation bar you can search the whole website.
From there, you will get results about artists, artworks and users.
You can directly click on the suggestions to browse those results..
> In each website section (new art, sales, user galleries ...) you can perform a search returning only results from current section from the left-hand side panel (from the "Refine selection" button).
How to add a publication reference to my art ?
2DGalleries allows to associate one (or more) publication references to your art (up to 3).
These elements greatly improve artworks classification and give more weight to your collection.
As of today, the website gives access to a wide panel of published books and hardcover albums references (identified through their ISBN) thanks to information provided by BDGest'.
Next update will grand access to other publication media such as magazines, comic issues or 2D items (posters, portfolio, ex libris ...)
How to add a publication reference ?
When adding a new artwork, just check the "Published artwork" option.
if your artwork is already online, you can click on the "Edit" button in the top menu of the artwork page and check the published option in the provided form.
When (and only when) the artwork is tagged as published, you should see an "Add publication" button in the artwork page. Just click it and follow given instructions.
You should also see a button to "Manage publications" on the top menu, in each of your artwork pages.
Note : website members can also suggest publications for your art.
You can tune suggestions options from your 2DG settings.
How to receive a daily notification when art from my favorite artists gets added to the site ?
By adding artists to your favorite, you will get a daily notifications regarding newly added art from those artists.
You can add favorite artists from your profile page (available from the top menu Galleries > My galleries)
From the same page, you will be able to browse a gallery gathering all artworks from your favorite artists.
Note : this mail summary does not include artworks on sale, please check premium alerts for that purpose !
How to filter the type of art i want to see on the site ?
If you want to see only some types of art on the site (for instance only strips or illustrations), you can set a custom filter.
From the top menu Me > 2DG settings, activate the Custom filter and check the categories matching what you want to see when browsing art.
Note: for management convenience, this filter will not be applied to your own artworks.
From the settings page you can also activate (or disactivate) the adult content filter.
What can i do after adding an user as friend ?
You can add a friend by clicking on the “+ Add to friends" button on an user’s profile.
Once the invitation is accepted, the user will be added to your Friends list.
You can directly check your friends art from your profile page and browse a gallery gathering your friends art.
Communicating and sending private messages to friends is also made easier.
You can restrain some functionalities to your circle of friends (private messaging, artwork transfer ...).
You will get a customizable notification when new art is added to friends galleries.
How to set featured artworks on my profile ?
You can set up to 12 featured artworks on your profile page.
From the top menu "Me", go to the submenu "Edit profile" and select the "Custom" option in the profile tab and validate.
From now, you will be able to add (or withdraw) an artwork from featured by clicking the "Add to featured" button in the "More options" menu at the top of the artwork page.
How to set additional galleries visibility on your profile page ?
When adding favorite artists, friends or favorite art on the site you can notice new galleries associated to these items appearing on your profile page.
You can control these galleries visibility from the top menu Me > Edit my profile in the "Additional galleries visibility options" section.
How to move an artwork to another of your galleries ?
If you have created several galleries it is possible to reorganize their content by moving artworks from one gallery to another:
From the artwork display screen, click on ‘Edit data’ in the top menu of the page.
In the edit form, the ‘gallery’ dropdown menu allows you to select the new target gallery.
Validate the change by clicking on ‘Modify the artwork’ at the bottom.
How to manage additional images ?
You can add up to 15 additional images to an artwork.
They can be additional documents or photos completing the artwork description.
On the artwork page, click on the "Additional images" button so as to access the management interface.
From there you will be able to edit images and set their display order:
How to set up a wishlist ?
You can create a wishlist from the top menu "Me > Wishlist"
How to find sales matching my wishlist entries ?
You can access this functionality from the top menu Art for sale > Sales related to your wishlist
Note: For this to work you need to have at least one item in your wishlist.
What are weekly theme galleries ?
Each week is dedicated to a new thematic (ex: Aeronautics, Horses, Pirates ...) and a new gallery is set up.
You can include artworks to this thematic gallery by clicking on the "Add to theme" button from the top menu "More option" on your artwork page.
You can browse weekly theme archives from the top menu "Galleries > Weekly theme archives"
You can also include art to any existing theme archive by adding the corresponding tag
Adding artworks to theme galleries often allows visitors to rediscover them !
How to use "hashtags" ?
Hashtags are words preceded by the # symbol which you can add to your artworks.
You can add a tag to your artwork directly from the art page (below the comment field) or by editing the artwork information
Note : hashtags added in the art comment are now only used as clickable links to a given theme, they don't automatically associate an artwork with a tag anymore as they used to.
Their main purpose is to group artworks thematically (ex: #portrait, #pinup)
Clicking on a hashtag will display associated artworks.
You can also perform searches by hashtag.
Please note that since artworks are already being sorted by author and type, hashtags are useless for this purpose.
What is the "Best-Of" gallery ?
It's a special gallery you can browse from the top menu "Galleries > Best of: member's choice"
Each member can choose one and only one artwork from its collection to include in the Best-of gallery.
To add one of your artwork click on the "Choose this artwork" button in the "More options" menu at the top of the artwork page.
You can choose any of your art at any time, according to your mood.
How to use the events calendar ?
The calendar gives you an overview of present and upcoming events:
- To get current month events, click on the month name or scroll through the months using the side arrows.
- To see events occuring on a given day, click the date.
- Days featuring upcoming events are highlighted in orange.
- Events can be filtered by types (exhibitions, sales …).
- You can get detailed description of events as well as the link to the corresponding source by clicking on the event title.
Premium features
Setting art on sale
You can set artworks on sale on 2DGalleries.
Sales will be automatically added to our global sale listing (more than 1000 daily visitors).
Latest art for sale is displayed on the website home page in a space exclusively dedicated to art dealers sales.
You can display up to 12 pieces on sale in your galleries.
To avoid sales listing spam you can only set on sale up to a maximum of 16 artworks during a month duration.
We don't take any commission on sales !
How to put up art for sale ?
You can set an artwork for sale when you first add it to the site: just click on the "Fill additional information" button to provide sale data.
If the artwork you want to sell is already in your collection, just click on the Put up for sale button at the top of the artwork page.
Your art will then be classified in the Art for sale listing.
Tip: after a successful sale you can transfer the artwork to the new owner's gallery !
Important: Your sales need to comply to the website etiquette rules.
Important: we cannot be held responsible for transactions occuring between website members.
Gain early access to artworks on sale
You get immediate access to new art on sale. whereas they appear with a delay to non premium members.
During that exclusive Premium access, 2DG sends you quick alerts on artworks you may be looking for (from your wishlist, fav artists on artworks on the site).
Don't miss any opportunity !
Access to advanced statistics and features related to your galeries content and attendance
Advanced statistics provide enhanced figured and graphics about your collection and galleries attendance
Manage your collection
The collection manager allows to check and update easily your art data. You also can generate reports in one click
Get your sales periodically pushed to the top of sales listing
Your art on sale will be periodically pushed to the top of the sales listing.
Access to advanced statistics and features related to your galeries content and attendance
Advanced statistics provide detailed information about your galleries content and audience.
This page also gives access to additional features to manage your art efficiently (collection estimation, art visibility tools ...) and overall stats about 2dgalleries.
Advanced statistics are available from your profile page (from the top menu > "Galleries" > "My galleries") by clicking on the "Advanced stats" button (top-right of your profile page header).
Get fast alerts when art matching your search criteria gets on sale
You will receive an email notification whenever art matching your wishlist, among your favorite website artworks or created by one of your favorite artists is on sale.
You can configure this option from your notification settings
Your art featured on 2dgalleries home page
Premium member art is featured on the website home page.
Art is randomly chosen among visible items in our Premium members collections.
Select and pin the best comments on your artworks
You can select and pin a few of your favourite comments on each of your art by using the icon.
They will appear at the top of the comments feed, in the order in which you have pinned them.
Schedule your art
You can choose when your art will appear online on the site.
By using this option you can take your time to fill the content associated your artwork (descrition, additional images, publications ...)
At the choosen date and hour your art will appear online as if it was just uploaded
This option is available from the artwork add form ("+ add New art") through the "Click if you wish to fill additional information" button.
Note : The default selected timezone is GMT+1 (Paris time)
Note : You can modify the scheduled datetime through the "Edit" button located in the top menu of the artwork page.
How to transfer an artwork to another 2DG member ?
You can transfer one of your artwork to another user's galleries (after selling or trading an artwork for example)
Transfer occurs after being accepted by recipient
All public data related to the artwork will be transferred (title,description,additional images,comments,favorites)
To initiate a transfer just click on the "Transfer artwork" button from the "More options" menu at the top of the artwork page and follow the instructions !
Keeping a record of the artworks that have left your collection
The archiving feature makes it possible to keep a record of the artworks which are no longer in your collection.
Archived artworks are visible to you only .
You can add confidential information (date of sale, selling price, selling mode) which will be taken into account in your advanced statistics page.
How to create an archive ?
From the artwork page click on the "Archive" button at the top and choose the destination gallery in your archives.
If you don't have created any archive gallery so far, you will be required to create one.
You can access your archive galleries from your profile page.
The archives manager allows you to manage and update your archived art. With this tool you can also generate reports in one click
The artwork I wish to archive is now no longer in my collection, how can I do this ?
All you have to do is add the artwork in restricted visibility ("me" visibility), as if you were adding it to your collection.
Then create an archive of this artwork in one click as explained above.
You can then delete the initial artwork (From the "Other tools" button at the top of the page, click "Delete" and confirm).
Choose featured art order on your profile page
You can choose your featured art display order on your profile page.
At first, your featured artwork preferences should be set to "Custom" on your profile page (see related help)
A "Set featured artworks order" option will then be available in your profile page header (top-right)
Display a large sized artwork from my collection at the top of your profile page
You can feature up to 12 artworks at the top of your profile page as we explained here
But you can also choose to feature one large sized artwork as we did on 2DGalleries admin profile.
From your profile editing form, in the Featured artworks section, ensure that Featured artworks choice is set to "custom" then check "Feature one full page size artwork" and submit.
To chooose the artwork, from the artwork page go to "More tools" in the top menu and click on "Feature this artwork". It will be added to your customized artworks list.
And voilà !
Choose artworks order in your galleries
You can choose display order in your galleries.
From the gallery page, click on the "Set artworks order" button in the gallery header (top-right)
Change your username
You can change your username by editing your profile (from the top menu-bar go to Me > Edit my profile.
Note : your username is also your login identifier. To avoid abuses, username change is limited to one every 6 months.
Select up to 100 favorite artists
You can add up to 100 artists to your favorites.
Add up to 50 items in your wishlist
You can add up to 50 items to your wishlist.
Recommend other members
You can grant your recommendation to other 2DG members after successful transactions with them.
To do so, just click on the "Recommend this member" button from his profile page.