In JBR  's collection
Dave Kendall, Warhammer 40k : The Archon - Original Illustration

Warhammer 40k : The Archon

Original Illustration
29.7 x 42 cm (11.69 x 16.54 in.)


Commandée pour la couverture ainsi qu’une pleine page de l’ouvrage publié par Games Workshop « La croisade des mondes de Sabbat » de Dan Abnett rédigé comme un rapport d’un conseiller militaire de la croisade, Antonid Biota. Il y relate les vingts premières années de la campagne militaire impériale du même nom entre les 755-775.M41.

Cette représentation cauchemardesque de L'Archonte du chaos est bien souvent considérée comme la plus terrifiante de toute l'iconographie de Games Workshop.


Signé en bas à gauche


Dave Kendall : « I was asked to produce art for a character originally called The Archon. I had a limited amount of time to produce the art and was hoping to complete the entire painting in acrylic. Unfortunately the nature of the deadline and complexity of the repeating background elements meant that after completing the main character in acrylic I then went to digital to complete the artwork on time and to standard. It’s a character I really enjoyed designing. Maybe one of my all time favourites of anything I’ve designed from scratch. It has that feeling of corrupt religion and the actual concept was a creature that hid behin a beautiful, angelic, porcelain face mask but behind he was a screaming proclaiming void. This image captures him unmasked. »


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About Dave Kendall

Dave’s first professional work was for Pat Mills, when his skill came to the attention of Mills’ long-term, artistic collaborator Kev O Neill. Pat is affectionately referred to as the Godfather of British comics having created the ultra violent, banned and vilified, Action comic and then the long running 2000AD, now celebrating it’s 40th year. Dave also did some work with Pat on a story called Psycho Killer for the unfortunately short lived Toxic! Comic. He has also worked on Necroscope by the British author Brian Lumley and a comic for the band Metallica and has recently been creating work for the popular Magic the Gathering game and World of Warcraft, as well as a creator owned project called Houses of the Holy with best selling author Mike Carey. Currently, his work has come full circle and Dave is the illustrator and co creator of The Deadworld series for 2000AD. This details the destruction of Deadworld by Judge Death and his Lieutenants. Judge Death being the arch-nemesis of Judge Dredd. Text (c)