Original comic art from Scott Hanna in the collections
Original art : 1 - 12 on 27
Amazing Spider-Man V2 (1999) - "The Book of Ezekiel!" Part 3 #508 P17
John Romita Jr. Stan Lee (Writer) Scott Hanna (Inker)Amazing Spider-Man V2 (1999) - "The Book of Ezekiel!" Part 3 #508 P18
John Romita Jr. Stan Lee (Writer) Scott Hanna (Inker)Amazing Spider-Man #35 (476) p10
John Romita Jr. (Penciller) Scott Hanna (Inker) Joseph Michael Straczynski (Writer)Secret Invasion : Fantastic Four #1 P6
Barry Kitson (Penciller) Mick Gray (Inker) Scott Hanna (Inker) Paul Neary (Inker)The Last Fantastic Four Story - Black Bolt Medusa Gorgon Karnak Triton
John Romita Jr. Scott Hanna (Inker)Nova #19 Vol.4 - 2ème apparition du centurion Malik Tarcel
Scott Hanna (Inker) Wellington Alves (Penciller)
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