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Sebastien1976's collection
179 artworks
156 comments received
34 comments posted
Pilules Bleues
Frederik Peeters
My New York Diary
Julie Doucet
So Why I Had This Stupid Dream
Julie Doucet
Pink Frosting, page 1/2
Adrian Tomine
sebastien1976's Galleries
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Autres travaux (22 artworks)
Dédicaces (31 artworks)
Planches originales (126 artworks)
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Peggy Adam (1 artwork)
Derf Backderf (3 artworks)
T. Edward Bak (1 artwork)
Alex Baladi (6 artworks)
Alex Barbier (1 artwork)
Edmond Baudoin (2 artworks)
Simone Baumann (1 artwork)
Fred Beltran (1 artwork)
Jean-Michel Bertoyas (1 artwork)
Matthieu Blanchin (5 artworks)
Blutch (8 artworks)
José-Louis Bocquet (1 artwork)
Box Brown (1 artwork)
Joe Casey (1 artwork)
Catel (2 artworks)
Daniel Ceppi (1 artwork)
Chihoi (1 artwork)
Serge Clerc (1 artwork)
Joshua W. Cotter (4 artworks)
Jordan Crane (1 artwork)
Joe Daly (3 artworks)
Luce Daniels (1 artwork)
David B. (2 artworks)
Michael DeForge (1 artwork)
Kim Deitch (2 artworks)
Guy Delisle (1 artwork)
Jean-Claude Denis (1 artwork)
Stephen Desberg (1 artwork)
Julie Doucet (2 artworks)
Jérôme Dubois (1 artwork)
Nicolas Dumontheuil (1 artwork)
Édika (1 artwork)
Ray Fawkes (1 artwork)
Jacques Ferrandez (1 artwork)
Jean-Pierre Filiu (1 artwork)
Vincenzo Filosa (3 artworks)
Manuele Fior (1 artwork)
John Flanders (1 artwork)
René Follet (1 artwork)
Charles Forsman (4 artworks)
Fred (1 artwork)
Bruno Gazzotti (1 artwork)
Pascal Girard (1 artwork)
Jean Giraud (1 artwork)
Emilie Gleason (1 artwork)
Alain Goffin (2 artworks)
Sophie Goldstein (2 artworks)
Daniel Goossens (1 artwork)
Jean-Claude Götting (1 artwork)
Jens Harder (1 artwork)
Luke Healy (5 artworks)
Taro Higuchi (1 artwork)
Dylan Horrocks (3 artworks)
Kevin Huizenga (1 artwork)
Shintaro Kago (3 artworks)
Killoffer (2 artworks)
Matt Kindt (3 artworks)
Sharlene Kindt (2 artworks)
Jiro Kuwata (1 artwork)
Tim Lane (1 artwork)
Denis Lapière (1 artwork)
Matthias Lehmann (1 artwork)
Jeff Lemire (2 artworks)
David Lloyd (1 artwork)
Loustal (1 artwork)
Nikita Mandryka (1 artwork)
Antoine Marchalot (1 artwork)
Benjamin Marra (3 artworks)
Marc-Antoine Mathieu (1 artwork)
Jean-Marc Mathis (1 artwork)
Jon McNaught (1 artwork)
Jean-Christophe Menu (2 artworks)
Shigeru Mizuki (4 artworks)
Moebius (1 artwork)
Patrick Moerell (1 artwork)
Grant Morrison (1 artwork)
Stanislas Moussé (2 artworks)
Christoph Mueller (1 artwork)
Giacomo Nanni (3 artworks)
Fabrice Neaud (1 artwork)
Anders Nilsen (1 artwork)
Nylso (3 artworks)
Tommi Parrish (1 artwork)
Frederik Peeters (2 artworks)
Christian Perrissin (1 artwork)
Miguelanxo Prado (1 artwork)
Hugo Pratt (2 artworks)
Léo Quievreux (6 artworks)
Pascal Rabaté (2 artworks)
Helge Reumann (5 artworks)
Jean-Marc Rochette (1 artwork)
Laurent Rullier (1 artwork)
Ruppert & Mulot (1 artwork)
Riad Sattouf (1 artwork)
Seth (2 artworks)
Anne Sibran (3 artworks)
Stanislas (1 artwork)
Jean-Philippe Stassen (1 artwork)
Fumi Suenaga (1 artwork)
Yu Takita (1 artwork)
Dominique Thomas (1 artwork)
Tom Tirabosco (1 artwork)
Adrian Tomine (2 artworks)
Rich Tommaso (1 artwork)
Daniel Torres (2 artworks)
Tronchet (2 artworks)
Didier Tronchet (1 artwork)
Yves Urbain (1 artwork)
Noah Van Sciver (7 artworks)
Philippe Vuillemin (1 artwork)
Tillie Walden (3 artworks)
Chris Ware (1 artwork)
Pierre Wazem (1 artwork)
Will (1 artwork)
sebastien1976's favorite art
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Mes préférences (143 artworks)
sebastien1976's favorite artists
All favorite artists (38)
Christophe Blain
Matthieu Blanchin
Charles Burns
Eddie Campbell
Daniel Clowes
Robert Crumb
Joe Daly
David B.
Philippe Dupuy
Will Eisner
Manuele Fior
René Follet
Emmanuel Guibert
Jaime Hernandez
Gilbert Hernandez
Bernard Hislaire
Dylan Horrocks
Manu Larcenet
Jeff Lemire
Jean-Christophe Menu
José Muñoz
Anders Nilsen
Frederik Peeters
Hugo Pratt
Joe Sacco
Jiro Taniguchi
Jacques Tardi
Lewis Trondheim
Chris Ware
Luc Warnant