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Aka's collection
Premium Member
219 artworks
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Hermann - Les Tours de Bois-Maury - t.4, pl.5
Andreas - Batman - Très grand format
Enki Bilal - BUG - Double page
Enki Bilal
Rork 2 - planche 4, grande case manoir/ciel trés encrée
Bilal - Le Plitch - planche 7
Enki Bilal
L’Épervier - Tome 6, planche 41 - Ma favorite
Patrice Pellerin
Les Tours de Bois Maury tome 10 - planche 9
Rork 2 - planche 5 (grande case New York)
Bilal - Les Phalanges de l’Ordre Noir - planche 31
Enki Bilal
Les Tours de Bois Maury tome 2 - Planche 3
Gimenez - La Caste des Méta-Barons - Tome 8, planche 46
Juan Giménez
Les Tours de Bois Maury tome 3 - planche 2
Aka's Galleries
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All artworks (219)
Andreas - Arq (11 artworks)
Andreas - Capricorne (4 artworks)
Andreas - Cromwell Stone, Coutoo et Divers (11 artworks)
Andreas - Raffington Event et Cyrrus/Mil (7 artworks)
Andreas - Rork (39 artworks)
Baru (1 artwork)
Bec (7 artworks)
Bilal (5 artworks)
Blain (2 artworks)
Boucq (10 artworks)
Caza (3 artworks)
Christophe Chabouté - Construire un Feu (4 artworks)
Christophe Chabouté - Divers (7 artworks)
Christophe Chabouté - La Bête (5 artworks)
Christophe Chabouté - Moby Dick (8 artworks)
Christophe Chabouté - Pleine Lune (6 artworks)
Christophe Chabouté - Sorcières (4 artworks)
Christophe Chabouté - Yellow Cab (3 artworks)
Dédicaces (34 artworks)
Delval (1 artwork)
Divers (1 artwork)
Griffo (1 artwork)
Hermann (20 artworks)
Jean-Marc Stalner (2 artworks)
Juan Gimenez (3 artworks)
Lamontagne (4 artworks)
Larcenet (1 artwork)
Marini (2 artworks)
Merwan (1 artwork)
Moebius (2 artworks)
Parciboula (3 artworks)
Pellerin (3 artworks)
Plessix (1 artwork)
Prugne (1 artwork)
Rabaté (1 artwork)
Tronchet (1 artwork)
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Andreas (73 artworks)
Baru (5 artworks)
Christophe Bec (6 artworks)
Bec (1 artwork)
Fred Bernard (1 artwork)
Enki Bilal (5 artworks)
Christophe Blain (2 artworks)
Olivier Boiscommun (1 artwork)
François Boucq (12 artworks)
Florent Calvez (1 artwork)
Frédéric Campoy (1 artwork)
Caza (4 artworks)
Christophe Chabouté (37 artworks)
Pierre Christin (2 artworks)
Damour (1 artwork)
Julien Delval (1 artwork)
Jean Dufaux (1 artwork)
Stéphane Duval (1 artwork)
Gess (1 artwork)
Juan Giménez (3 artworks)
Thierry Gloris (3 artworks)
Griffo (1 artwork)
Eric Hérenguel (1 artwork)
Hermann (20 artworks)
Alejandro Jodorowsky (6 artworks)
Julien/CDM (3 artworks)
Jean-Charles Kraehn (3 artworks)
Jacques Lamontagne (4 artworks)
Manu Larcenet (1 artwork)
Patrice Leconte (1 artwork)
Olivier Ledroit (1 artwork)
Jérôme Lereculey (2 artworks)
Régis Loisel (1 artwork)
Enrico Marini (2 artworks)
Merwan (2 artworks)
Moebius (2 artworks)
Matthieu Parciboula (2 artworks)
Parciboula (1 artwork)
Patrice Pellerin (3 artworks)
Michel Plessix (2 artworks)
Patrick Prugne (1 artwork)
Pascal Rabaté (1 artwork)
Romain Renard (1 artwork)
Jean-Marc Stalner (2 artworks)
Didier Tarquin (1 artwork)
Ciro Tota (1 artwork)
Tronchet (4 artworks)