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Joao's collection
48 artworks
206 comments received
76 comments posted
La Théorie du grain de sable
François Schuiten
Moebius illustration
Spirou et Fantasio Le Gri-Gri du Niokolo - Koba
Jean-Claude Fournier
Couverture B.P.R.D. 1947 #2
Mike Mignola
Joao's Galleries
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All artworks (48)
Masters of European BD (7 artworks)
Nostalgic room (4 artworks)
Welcome to my main room (37 artworks)
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Andrea Accardi (1 artwork)
Rick Altergott (1 artwork)
Kajo Baldisimo (1 artwork)
Batem (1 artwork)
Lee Bermejo (1 artwork)
thomas bouveret (1 artwork)
Émile Bravo (1 artwork)
Alberto Breccia (1 artwork)
Francesc Capdevila Gisbert (1 artwork)
Christophe Chabouté (1 artwork)
Emmanuel Civiello (3 artworks)
Jorge Coelho (1 artwork)
Marcelo D'Salete (1 artwork)
Geof Darrow (1 artwork)
Nick Dragotta (1 artwork)
Hunt Emerson (1 artwork)
Thomas Falla Erikson (1 artwork)
Jean-Claude Fournier (1 artwork)
Christian Godard (1 artwork)
Justin Green (1 artwork)
R.M. Guéra (1 artwork)
Tim Hensley (1 artwork)
George Herriman (1 artwork)
Hermann Huppen (1 artwork)
Kim Jung Gi (1 artwork)
Régis Loisel (1 artwork)
Luís Louro (1 artwork)
Max (1 artwork)
John McCrea (1 artwork)
Dave McKean (1 artwork)
Mike Mignola (1 artwork)
Frank Miller (1 artwork)
Tony Millionaire (1 artwork)
Moebius (1 artwork)
Sean Murphy (1 artwork)
Guilherme Petreca (2 artworks)
Eduardo Risso (1 artwork)
Corrado Roi (1 artwork)
José Roosevelt (1 artwork)
Richard Sala (1 artwork)
Tony Sandoval (1 artwork)
François Schuiten (1 artwork)
Sergio Toppi (1 artwork)
Tillie Walden (1 artwork)
J.H. Williams III (2 artworks)
Joao's favorite art
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Les rêves (3 artworks)
Joao's favorite artists
All favorite artists (1)
Albert Uderzo