Original comic art from Lewis Trondheim in the collections
Original art : 1 - 12 on 128
Quignon, Donjon Monsters#14, La bière supérieure, planche n°9, 2021
Bastien Quignon (Inker) Lewis Trondheim (Writer) Joann Sfar (Writer)Quignon, Donjon Monsters#14, La bière supérieure, planche n°14, 2021.
Bastien Quignon (Inker) Lewis Trondheim (Writer) Joann Sfar (Writer)Quignon, Donjon Monsters#14, La bière supérieure, couverture, 2021.
Bastien Quignon (Inker) Lewis Trondheim (Writer) Joann Sfar (Writer)Donjon Potron-Minet -83 - Sans un bruit
Christophe Gaultier Joann Sfar (Writer) Lewis Trondheim (Writer)2024 - Lewis Trondheim - Lapinot et Richard en ballade au parc
Lewis Trondheim
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