Note : certains originaux peuvent apparaitre plusieurs fois si ils ont été publiés par Fantagraphics sur des supports différents

Originaux : 1 - 12 sur 582

Fantagraphics - The Compleat Cannon
Wallace Wood Wally Wood
Wallace Wood's Cannon (1991)
Planche originale

Fantagraphics - Abandoned Cars
Tim Lane
Abandoned Cars
Planche originale

Fantagraphics - Abandoned Cars
Tim Lane
Abandoned Cars
Planche originale

Fantagraphics - The Complete Sunday Strips 1916-1924
George Herriman
Krazy & Ignatz (2002)
Planche originale

Fantagraphics - 1922-1924: At Last My Drim of Love Has Come True
George Herriman
Krazy & Ignatz (2002)
Planche originale

Fantagraphics - love and rockets 40
Jaime Hernandez
Love and Rockets (1982)
Planche originale

Fantagraphics - Issue #20
Daniel Clowes
Eightball (Fantagraphics Books - 1989)
Planche originale

Fantagraphics - The Frank Book
Jim Woodring
Frank (1993)
Planche originale

Fantagraphics - love and rockets 40
Jaime Hernandez
Love and Rockets (1982)
Planche originale

Fantagraphics - As a Cartoonist
Noah Van Sciver
As a Cartoonist
Planche originale

Fantagraphics - Fran
Jim Woodring
Frank (1993)
Planche originale

Fantagraphics - Dog Biscuits
Alex Graham
Dog Biscuits
Planche originale

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