In BillBaroud  's collection
John Buscema, Tony DeZuniga, Roy Thomas, The Savage Sword of Conan #43 - Pl 10 - Comic Strip

The Savage Sword of Conan #43 - Pl 10

Comic Strip
Couverture  de l'album, telle que publiée.


Pas de pin-up dans cette planche-ci, mais une superbe demi-splash et une ambiance virile de travail.
Le type qui a inventé le zip-a-tone est un véritable génie (probablement le frère de celui qui a inventé les talons aiguille et les bottes hautes. Cette famille mériterait le prix Nobel, mais nous vivons dans un monde terriblement injuste.)

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About John Buscema

John Buscema, born Giovanni Natale Buscema, was an American comic-book artist and one of the mainstays of Marvel Comics during its 1960s and 1970s ascendancy into an industry leader and its subsequent expansion to a major pop culture conglomerate. His younger brother Sal Buscema is also a comic-book artist. Buscema is best known for his run on the series The Avengers and The Silver Surfer, and for over 200 stories featuring the sword and sorcery hero Conan the Barbarian.