John Buscema, Dan Adkins, 1968-12 Buscema/Adkins: Sub-Mariner #8 p22 vs. the Thing - Planche originale

1968-12 Buscema/Adkins: Sub-Mariner #8 p22 vs. the Thing

Planche originale
Encre de Chine
Pencil and Ink


"buscema was the best at drawing the Submariner. He captured perfectly Namor's perpetual scowl and the sculpted physique of a being who spends his life in water. Look at the definition on those legs and gluteal muscles!
This fight is another classic among the Silver Age and enhanced the legend of the Sub-Mariner (as well as the Thing) into the consciousness of the readers."

"..., there is no doubt why John Buscema has been called the Michelangelo of Comics. Every panel just explodes with energy, the camera angles constantly change, and even the brief respites from fighting are filled with tension. Of course Buscema leaves enough room on the perimeter of the panels for Roy Thomas's dialogue balloons. ... This battle is all wonderful -- it's funny when Ben speaks, it's pompous when Namor gets a turn. Can you imagine coming to this as a 10-year old, as I did?"

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A propos de John Buscema

John Buscema est un dessinateur de comics américain. Il fut dans les années 1970 l'un des principaux dessinateurs de la Marvel Comics et sut assurer grâce à son talent le succès de nombreuses séries parmi lesquelles : les Vengeurs, le Surfer d'Argent et Wolverine. Mais trouvant peu de plaisir dans le dessin des super-héros, John Buscema ne s'est jamais aussi parfaitement bien exprimé qu'en animant des personnages d'heroic fantasy comme Conan le Barbare.