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DietmarKrueger's collection
65 artworks
313 comments received
163 comments posted
1993-12 Sale: Batman Haunted Knight/LOTDK Halloween Special #1 p23
Tim Sale
1968-10 Buscema/Adkins: Sub-Mariner #6 p08
John Buscema
2015-07 Frank/Sibal: Batman Earth One Vol. 2 p6
Gary Frank
1979-07 Miller/Janson: Daredevil #159 p17 "Marked for Murder!"
Frank Miller
DietmarKrueger's Galleries
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Browse DietmarKrueger's galleries
Browse by gallery :
All artworks (65)
Avengers Assemble - Avengers (5 artworks)
Bat Signals - Batman (18 artworks)
Devil's Advocate - Daredevil (9 artworks)
Fantastic Four #120 - The Horror That Walks on Air! (4 artworks)
Hyborian Age - Conan (4 artworks)
Imperius Rex - Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner (8 artworks)
Misc DC (6 artworks)
Misc Marvel (9 artworks)
Spider's Web - Spider-Man (2 artworks)
Browse by artist :
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Neal Adams (1 artwork)
Dan Adkins (5 artworks)
Alfredo Alcalá (3 artworks)
Ross Andru (1 artwork)
Terry Austin (1 artwork)
Matt Banning (1 artwork)
Bob Brown (1 artwork)
Rich Buckler (2 artworks)
Danny Bulandi (1 artwork)
John Buscema (18 artworks)
Sal Buscema (1 artwork)
John Byrne (2 artworks)
Sergio Cariello (1 artwork)
Ernie Chan (2 artworks)
Dave Cockrum (1 artwork)
Gene Colan (5 artworks)
Vince Colletta (2 artworks)
Johnny Craig (1 artwork)
Tony Daniel (1 artwork)
Tony DeZuniga (4 artworks)
Dick Dillin (2 artworks)
Gary Frank (1 artwork)
José Luis García-López (1 artwork)
Frank Giacoia (5 artworks)
Joe Giella (1 artwork)
Dick Giordano (5 artworks)
Mike Grell (1 artwork)
Don Heck (1 artwork)
Dave Hunt (3 artworks)
Carmine Infantino (1 artwork)
Klaus Janson (2 artworks)
Bob Layton (1 artwork)
David Mazzucchelli (3 artworks)
Todd McFarlane (1 artwork)
Frank Miller (2 artworks)
Mary Mitchell (1 artwork)
Michael Netzer (1 artwork)
Donald L. Newton (3 artworks)
Don Newton (1 artwork)
Tom Palmer (5 artworks)
Jimmy Palmiotti (1 artwork)
Bruce Paterson (1 artwork)
Joe Quesada (1 artwork)
Marshall Rogers (1 artwork)
Joe Rubinstein (2 artworks)
Philip Craig Russell (1 artwork)
Tim Sale (5 artworks)
Jonathan Sibal (1 artwork)
Joe Sinnott (4 artworks)
Jim Starlin (2 artworks)
Romeo Tanghal (1 artwork)
John Tartaglione (1 artwork)
Sonny Trinidad (1 artwork)
George Tuska (1 artwork)
Bob Wiacek (1 artwork)
DietmarKrueger's favorite art
Select a gallery:
Daredevil (2 artworks)
Fantastic Four #120 - The Horror That Walks on Air! (4 artworks)
John Buscema's Sub-Mariner (2 artworks)
Very interesting pages! (1 artworks)
DietmarKrueger's favorite artists
All favorite artists (5)
John Buscema
Gene Colan
Dick Giordano
Jim Holdaway
Tim Sale