In FanDePlanches  's collection
Milton Caniff, Terry and the Pirates - 12 Avril 1937 - Comic Strip

Terry and the Pirates - 12 Avril 1937

Comic Strip
50 x 15 cm (19.69 x 5.91 in.)
Planche publiée


Ink and blue wash over graphite on Bristol board and the image size measures 20" x 5.5". Light edge and handling wear, toning, and marginal, pinholes. Very Good condition.
From the Bobby G. Murphy Collection.


Milton Caniff Terry and the Pirates Daily Comic Strip Original Art dated 4-12-37 (Chicago Tribune-N. Y. News Syndicate, 1937). The figures and backgrounds in Terry grew more realistic and heavily shadowed areas created a dramatic mood that quickly became a hallmark of action-adventure cartooning. This daily is titled "Calling Card".


  • Vol.2 - 1937
  • Futuropolis
  • 11/1985
  • Interior page
  • Volume 2 : 1937 à 1938
  • Bdartist(E)
  • 05/2011
  • Interior page

See also:   Terry and the Pirates

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About Milton Caniff

Milton Arthur Paul Caniff is an American comic strip artist best known for his comic strips Terry and the Pirates and Steve Canyon. He is considered a master of black and white. He was the fourth author to be added to the Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame in 1988.