In Charlyd77 's collection
Mirliton by Erwin Drèze - Sketch


Mixed Media


Eo Tope 2 Mon pote et moi

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About Erwin Drèze

Erwin Drèze, who was born in the Belgian town Ciney, learned his first lessons in comic art while visiting Raymond Macherot's atelier in the mid 1970s. He had his formal training with Studio Aidans, where he was involved in drawing 'Dic Dinn' for the daily Vers l'Avenir. He then found his way to Tintin magazine, to which he contributed stories from the mid-1980s. After a couple of short stories with Jean Dufaux, he drew stories starring the character 'Louis Valmont' from scripts by Bom. He then made an installment in the series of 'Arsène Lupin' adaptations by Soleil with André-Paul Duchâteau in 1998 and released 'Miracle à Maredsous', a comics biography of Dom Columba Marmion with Benoît Despas and Paule Fostroy for BD Coccionelle in 2000. Since 1998, he is a regular contributor to the magazine Tournesol, a children's magazine about the Bible. He joined Jacques Martin's team in 2006 to assist André Taymans on the art of a couple of 'Lefranc' stories, and to draw an installment in the series 'Les Voyages d'Alix' ('La Chine') in 2008. By 2011 he worked with Taymans again as one of the background artists in the 'Caroline Baldwin' series, published by Casterman. Although specialized in drawing in the Clear Line, Drèze was hired by Éditions Flouzemaker to draw new stories starring 'Mirliton', a character by his former tutor Raymond Macherot, in 2007.