In MATHO 's collection
Planche originale #34 de l'album Iberland tome 1, par Franco Saudelli, paru aux éditions Glénat en 1983, après avoir été prépublié dans le journal Libération.
Saudelli fait partie de ces auteurs italiens au style graphique que je qualifie, sans complexe, de "classe", à l'instar d'un Micheluzzi ou d'un Giardino.
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About Franco Saudelli
Franco Saudelli is mostly known as an artist of erotic comics. However, since 1977, Saudelli's work appeared in several Italian and French magazines, like Lanciostory, Orient-Express, Libération and Charlie Mensuel. In the 1980s, he started making short erotic comics for the magazines Comic Art, Glamour and Diva, sometimes in collaboration with Giovanna Casotto. Bondage scenes play a big part in the stories, for example in 'La Bionda', published in album format by Dargaud. Saudelli uses a fluent, elegant, sophisticated style.
Text (c) Lambiek