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MATHO's collection
90 artworks
1,054 comments received
1,356 comments posted
Lecteur passionné avant tout, l'original est pour moi la continuité, où le commencement d'une oeuvre.
Fièvre, planche #2
Jean-Michel Nicollet
Druillet Tête Hurlante Originale a L'Encre de Chine , Dessin inédit MÉTAL HÉROS
Philippe Druillet
Chott Fantax 31 Planche Originale 2 N&B et Lavis . Éo Pierre Mouchot 1948 .
Conan (Savage sword of), planche originale 17
John Buscema
MATHO's Galleries
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All artworks (90)
Comics fandom (by mainstream artists) (12 artworks)
Comics strips and graphic novels (10 artworks)
Focus: comics! (16 artworks)
L'Europe de la BD (et ailleurs) (16 artworks)
La BD hexagonale et du plat pays (20 artworks)
Le p'tit atelier du franco-belge (11 artworks)
Les Deadiklass (5 artworks)
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Enrique Alcatena (1 artwork)
Claude Auclair (1 artwork)
Azpiri (3 artworks)
Ray Bailey (1 artwork)
John Beatty (1 artwork)
Ted Benoit (1 artwork)
Simon Bisley (1 artwork)
Enrique Breccia (1 artwork)
John Buscema (1 artwork)
Silvio Cadelo (2 artworks)
Celardo (1 artwork)
Ernie Chan (1 artwork)
Bertrand Charlas (1 artwork)
Chott (2 artworks)
Gene Colan (2 artworks)
Guy Counhaye (1 artwork)
Victor De La Fuente (1 artwork)
Tony DeZuniga (2 artworks)
Dick Dillin (1 artwork)
Philippe Druillet (2 artworks)
Dupa (1 artwork)
F'murrr (1 artwork)
Fergal (3 artworks)
René Follet (3 artworks)
Alfonso Font (1 artwork)
Gérald Forton (1 artwork)
Massimiliano Frezzato (1 artwork)
José Luis García-López (1 artwork)
Théophile Gauthier (1 artwork)
Théophile Gautier (1 artwork)
Gary Gianni (2 artworks)
Joe Giella (1 artwork)
René Giffey (2 artworks)
John Giunta (1 artwork)
Christian Godard (3 artworks)
Frank Godwin (1 artwork)
Greg (3 artworks)
Bob Hall (1 artwork)
Bo Hampton (2 artworks)
Carmine Infantino (1 artwork)
Alejandro Jodorowsky (1 artwork)
Joe Jusko (1 artwork)
Gil Kane (1 artwork)
Jack Kirby (1 artwork)
Paul Kirchner (1 artwork)
Barry Kitson (3 artworks)
Kline (2 artworks)
Eric Larnoy (1 artwork)
David Lloyd (1 artwork)
Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1 artwork)
Val Mayerik (2 artworks)
Eduardo Mazzitelli (1 artwork)
Frank McLaughlin (1 artwork)
Bob McLeod (1 artwork)
Pat Mills (1 artwork)
Walter Minus (2 artworks)
Moebius (1 artwork)
Gray Morrow (1 artwork)
Rudy Nebres (2 artworks)
Jean-Michel Nicollet (2 artworks)
Tom Palmer (1 artwork)
Eric Powell (1 artwork)
Pascal Rabaté (1 artwork)
Juan López Ramon (1 artwork)
Frank Robbins (2 artworks)
Philip Craig Russell (1 artwork)
Rafa Sandoval (1 artwork)
Franco Saudelli (1 artwork)
Didier Savard (1 artwork)
Steve Scott (1 artwork)
Tony Skinner (1 artwork)
Bob Smith (1 artwork)
Guillaume Sorel (1 artwork)
Dave Stevens (1 artwork)
Joost Swarte (1 artwork)
Ferdinando Tacconi (2 artworks)
Roland Topor (1 artwork)
Rodolfo Torti (1 artwork)
Charles Vess (1 artwork)
Mike Vosburg (1 artwork)
Wally Wood (1 artwork)
Berni Wrightson (1 artwork)
Laura Zuccheri (1 artwork)
MATHO's favorite art
Select a gallery:
Aidans Les Franval (1 artworks)
Alcala Conan Hawks (1 artworks)
Alcala Voltar (1 artworks)
Alex Nino Tarzan vs boa (1 artworks)
Andreae Illustration 2013 (1 artworks)
Andreae Mangecoeur couverture 93 (1 artworks)
Andreas Rork (1 artworks)
Arno "Kids" (1 artworks)
Auclair Bran Ruz planche 136 (1 artworks)
Auraleon vampirella 25 (1 artworks)
Bermejo Heros the spartan (1 artworks)
Bernard P. (1 artworks)
Biffignandi "I protettori" (1 artworks)
Biffignandi "Zora" (1 artworks)
Big Bill 33 couverture (1 artworks)
Blueberry La dernière carte (1 artworks)
Bodé Rubber Balloon (1 artworks)
Bolton Marada Epic Illustrated cover (1 artworks)
Bolton Marada Royal hunt (1 artworks)
Brantonne Colonie perdue (1 artworks)
Breccia "Perramus 1" (1 artworks)
Burns Heavy Metal october 82 (1 artworks)
Buscema Conan 91 cover (1 artworks)
Buscema Thor 224 (1 artworks)
Buscema wfcba (1 artworks)
Byrne Alpha Flight #26 (1 artworks)
C. H Juillard "rendez-vous sur Mars" (1 artworks)
Cadelo Dieux Jaloux (1 artworks)
Cadelo Skeol (1 artworks)
Calos Gimenez professionnels 1 (1 artworks)
Castro (1 artworks)
Chott Big Bill 29 (1 artworks)
Chott Big Bill 68 (1 artworks)
Chott Fantax 10 (1 artworks)
Chott Fantax 25, couverture (1 artworks)
Chott Fantax 26 (1 artworks)
Chott Fantax 27 (1 artworks)
Chott Fantax 27, planche 2 (1 artworks)
Chott Fantax 27, planche 3 (1 artworks)
Chott Fantax 31 (1 artworks)
Chott Fantax 8 couverture (1 artworks)
Chott Fantax New-York (1 artworks)
Chott Marco Polo 10 (1 artworks)
Chott reportages sensationnels (1 artworks)
Chott Robin des bois 10 couverture (1 artworks)
Cimenez les professionnels 3 (1 artworks)
Clerc SF (1 artworks)
Colan lilith (1 artworks)
Colan Sub-mariner 11 (1 artworks)
Conan double Alcala (1 artworks)
Corben triceratops (1 artworks)
Craenhals chevalier Ardent (1 artworks)
Crespin le chant du loup cervier (1 artworks)
Daeni la mort aux yeux rouges (1 artworks)
Dan Smith Désert love (1 artworks)
Dany Rameau et Colombe (1 artworks)
De Angelis (1 artworks)
De Luca Dragonero II (1 artworks)
De Sainte-Croix FNA450 (1 artworks)
Delaby Murena (1 artworks)
Denusgrrr Blue Devil (1 artworks)
Derib Buddy Longway 12 (1 artworks)
Ditko Tales of suspens #2 (1 artworks)
Don Lawrence Storm (1 artworks)
Don Lawrence Storm "la cité des condamnés" (1 artworks)
Don Lawrence Storm 10 pl4 (1 artworks)
Druillet Dracula (1 artworks)
Druillet Guerrier (1 artworks)
Druillet Guerrier galactique 3 (1 artworks)
Druillet Guerrier galactique 4 (1 artworks)
Druillet Metal Esquisses 37 (1 artworks)
Druillet Metal guerrier (1 artworks)
Druillet Metal Héros 2000 (1 artworks)
Druillet Metal héros 32 (1 artworks)
Druillet Metal Héros Star Wars (1 artworks)
Druillet Metal héros tête hurlante (1 artworks)
Druillet Metal Héros warrior (1 artworks)
Druillet Metal Memoires Tête hurlante (1 artworks)
Druillet Metal vampire 1 (1 artworks)
Druillet Metal vampire 2 (1 artworks)
Druillet Nosferatu (1 artworks)
Druillet Yragael (1 artworks)
Druuna Morbus Gravis 16 (1 artworks)
Eisner P.S. Magazine (1 artworks)
El Libro Sinestro 5 (1 artworks)
Fantax 27 (1 artworks)
Fantax 28 (1 artworks)
Fantax 31 planche 3 (1 artworks)
Fergal Rancho Spécial 13 (1 artworks)
Ferrari Tex-Tone (1 artworks)
Flagg (1 artworks)
Follet "baudruche" (1 artworks)
Follet "mains en l'air" (1 artworks)
Follet compagnons (1 artworks)
Follet Ivan Zourine (1 artworks)
Follet Valhardi (1 artworks)
Fournier l'Ankou (1 artworks)
Frazetta Tarzan and the golden lion (1 artworks)
Funcken costumes (1 artworks)
Gal dédicace (1 artworks)
Gallur 2002 (1 artworks)
Gaston planche 596, 1969 (1 artworks)
Géo et Tafta planche (1 artworks)
Gibbons Watchmen 11 (1 artworks)
Gigi Agar (1 artworks)
Gigi Losfeld (1 artworks)
Gigi pin up (1 artworks)
Gigi Scarlett Dream planche 6 (1 artworks)
Gillon Naufragés Labyrinthe (1 artworks)
Gilon "la survivante" (1 artworks)
Giordan Meteor 90 (1 artworks)
Gir la mine de l'allemand perdu (1 artworks)
Gourdon Maniac couverture (1 artworks)
Gourdon spécial police 1151 (1 artworks)
Gourdon Spécial Police 1184 (1 artworks)
Green lantern (1 artworks)
Hausman Laïyna p39 (1 artworks)
Haussmann le chat qui... (1 artworks)
Hermann Jeremiah (1 artworks)
Hush tpb cover (1 artworks)
Iger Studio First Kiss Me (1 artworks)
Jack Davis Tales From the Crypt #42 (1 artworks)
Jacono (1 artworks)
Jeronaton moyen âge (1 artworks)
Jerry Spring 1965 (1 artworks)
Jimenez Star Trek cover (1 artworks)
John Cullen Murphy Prince Valiant (1 artworks)
Joubert L'ile aux trésors (1 artworks)
Juan Gimenez El Emperador (1 artworks)
Juan Gimenez Star Trek cover (1 artworks)
Kalar recueil 4 (1 artworks)
Keleck SF 26 (1 artworks)
Kelek Chiens de guerre (1 artworks)
Kelek Christopher Priest (1 artworks)
Kelek Conan (1 artworks)
Kelek Conan le sabreur (1 artworks)
Kelek Seigneurs des anneaux (1 artworks)
Ken Kelly Vampirella (1 artworks)
Kervevan (1 artworks)
Kervevan (1 artworks)
Kubert pur army at war (1 artworks)
Lalia Nekradamus 12 p13 (1 artworks)
Le Gall Théodore Poussin aquarelle 1990 (1 artworks)
Le Gall Théodore Poussin t8 (1 artworks)
Le Henanff Elvis (1 artworks)
Le Rallic Flamberge (1 artworks)
Ledroit couverture Fées & Amazones (1 artworks)
Liberator femme au naja (1 artworks)
Lloyd V chapter 3 book 1 (1 artworks)
Loisel Le Rige (1 artworks)
Lou et la bête noire (1 artworks)
Mac Coy les collines de la peur (1 artworks)
Minus Choc (1 artworks)
Moebius drapeau grumien (1 artworks)
Moebius Incal T5 (1 artworks)
Moebius l'agonie perpétuelle 2 (1 artworks)
Moebius L'Incal noir (1 artworks)
Moebius Maîtres du temps (1 artworks)
Moebius Starwatcher "liberace" (1 artworks)
Mourier Cybil (1 artworks)
Munoz Alack Sinner 1989 (1 artworks)
Murphy the wake (1 artworks)
Nicollet "combat de robot" (1 artworks)
Nicollet Azrael (1 artworks)
Nicollet chair de poule 41 (1 artworks)
Nicollet chose diable (1 artworks)
Nicollet coeur du monde (1 artworks)
Nicollet école des monstres (1 artworks)
Nicollet la rumeur des monstres (1 artworks)
Nicollet Lord Dunsany (1 artworks)
Nicollet Lumley (1 artworks)
Nicollet Neo 43 (1 artworks)
Nicollet Neo 51 (1 artworks)
Nicollet Néo Fulmar (1 artworks)
Nicollet Neo Smith (1 artworks)
Nicollet Papillon (1 artworks)
Nicollet romance #3 (1 artworks)
Nicollet Stapledon (1 artworks)
Nino Behemoth (1 artworks)
Nino Snakes (1 artworks)
Nortier Nous deux (1 artworks)
Orbik Détective Annual (1 artworks)
Picart Hohlbein (1 artworks)
Plessix vent dans les sables couv. T4 (1 artworks)
Pratt Ethiopiques (1 artworks)
Rahan (1 artworks)
Raymond Flash 4.4.1937 (1 artworks)
Sally Forth (1 artworks)
San Julian (1 artworks)
Savage tales #7 (1 artworks)
Scalera Black science #19 (1 artworks)
Schuiten Revoir Paris (1 artworks)
Sorel l'île des Morts (1 artworks)
Storm (1 artworks)
Storm 1985 (1 artworks)
Storm 2008 (1 artworks)
Tardi Mort à Crédit (1 artworks)
Tarragona Vampirella (1 artworks)
Toppi Bibbia (1 artworks)
Torres Redlight Star (1 artworks)
Tranchand Marine illustration (1 artworks)
Uderzo Belloy 1950 (1 artworks)
Uderzo jolitorax (1 artworks)
Uderzo le déménagement (1 artworks)
Vess esprit de la terre (1 artworks)
Vilajoana Kalar 20 (1 artworks)
Vilajoana Kit Carson reliure 82 (1 artworks)
Vilajoana Ogan (1 artworks)
Walthéry crayonnés (1 artworks)
Weirdworld (1 artworks)
Will Isabelle (1 artworks)
Wood Thunder Agent (1 artworks)
Wrightson Freakshow p. 21 (1 artworks)
Wrightson Purple pictography (1 artworks)
Wrightson The Task (1 artworks)
Yslaire Sambre 3 (1 artworks)
MATHO's favorite artists
All favorite artists (5)
Antonio Lapone
Jean-Michel Nicollet
José Ortiz