Dans la collection de zzutak
Alfredo Alcalá,

"Hawks of Outremer," page 4 (unpublished Savage Sword of Conan story)

Illustration originale
Encre de Chine


Here are a few unpublished pages by the brilliant Alfredo Alcala intended for an issue of the Savage Sword of Conan magazine. They are from an adaptation of the Robert E. Howard story "Hawks of Outremer," except with the character Cormac FitzGeoffrey replaced by Conan. Marvel adapted a few other REH stories and changed the protagonist to Conan.

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A propos de Alfredo Alcalá

Alfredo Alcala est un dessinateur de bande dessinée philippin. Les principales séries auxquelles il a contribué sont Conan et Swamp Thing, avant tout comme encreur.