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Rick Leonardi, Terry Austin, Cloak and Dagger #6 Cover by Leonardi and Austin - Couverture originale

Cloak and Dagger #6 Cover by Leonardi and Austin

Couverture originale
Encre de Chine


Original art for the cover of Cloak and Dagger #6. Original pencil and ink work that was later colored which was a practice in the late 80's with some collectors to make the art more presentable. Normally I don't like pieces that are hand colored like this and avoid them but in this case I am not so strict. I think it looks good. I would not have done it. Perhaps it can be removed but as it is, I am OK with it. Cloak and Dagger are one of the soft spots I have for Marvel Comics characters along with Daredevil, Dazzler and the New Mutants.

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A propos de Rick Leonardi

Rick Leonardi est un dessinateur américain de comics books né à Philadelphie. Il est connu pour son travail sur les séries Cloak and Dagger, The Uncanny X-Men, The New Mutants, Spider-Man 2099 pour Marvel Comics et Nightwing, Batgirl, Green Lantern Versus Aliens, Superman pour DC Comics. Leonardi a aussi travaillé sur les versions comics de films comme Star Wars: General Grievous ou Superman Returns Prequel.