Dans la collection de 9emeart 
Jean Giraud, Jean-Michel Charlier, Blueberry: Fort Navajo - Planche originale

Blueberry: Fort Navajo

Planche originale
Encre de Chine
1 x 1 cm (0.39 x 0.39 in.)
Detail 1
Detail 2
Detail 3
Detail 4
Detail 5
Page before restoration
Detail 7 before restoration
Detail 7 after restoration
Detail 8 before restoration
Detail 8 after restoration


Page 5


Prepublished in the magazine PILOTE No 288 (29.04.1965). Published as an album, called "Fort Navajo, une aventure du Lieutenant Blueberry" in late 1965.
I think the story in PILOTE was simply called "Fort Navajo" without mentioning Blueberry at all. In fact Blueberry was one of many main characters in this first arc and it took a while to decide that Blueberry should be the focal point of the story, which lead to the fact that the other main characters were written out of the story by Charlier.

I started my Blueberry experience in the 1980s with this album.
With this page 5 the journey starts. The first time you see Blueberry riding (in a landscape that is inspired by Giraud's and Charlier's most recent US experience). A scene in the stage coach with Lieutenant Craig, that is inspired by John Wayne films.

The style of Giraud is still very near to Jijé's style (and will be like that in the next 3-4 albums). There are some mistakes from Giraud (look at the text bubble in Panel 4 that was to large and therefore covered up by a small piece of paper), but it definitely has its charm and looks beautiful in reality.

When I brought this page to Europe, it was not in a very good state. So thank you Vincent for the recommendation of the right artist who could restore this page and very carefully brought it to the state in which it is now.


  • Fort Navajo
  • Dargaud
  • 09/1965
  • Page intérieure
  • Fort Navajo
  • Dargaud
  • 05/1982
  • Page intérieure
  • Fort navajo
  • Dargaud
  • 05/1993
  • Page intérieure

Voir aussi :   Blueberry

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A propos de Jean Giraud

Jean Giraud est un auteur français de bande dessinée, connu sous son propre nom et sous les pseudonymes de Mœbius et Gir. En tant que Jean Giraud et Gir, il est le créateur, avec le scénariste Jean-Michel Charlier, de la célèbre bande dessinée de western Blueberry. Sous le pseudonyme de Mœbius, il est l'auteur de bandes dessinées de science-fiction, telles que Le Garage hermétique, L'Incal ou Arzach, qui lui valent une reconnaissance internationale.