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Blackjack page by Osamu Tezuka - forgery - Planche originale

Blackjack page by Osamu Tezuka - forgery

Planche originale
Encre de Chine


Here is a page I have had framed on my wall since I got it and it is still one of my favorite pages despite it being a forgery. There is a long story behind this but this is one of the many forgeries that Manga Legends out of Tokyo put out. I estimate maybe 3 dozen pieces by top manga-ka were sold by them over a several year period. If you search Manga Legends you should be able to find an article I helped with and some friends wrote. It is only when closely compared to the published page that the details start to accumulate. In the end, I ended up loosing several thousands of dollars but got to keep this piece which I think looks great and reminds me every day to be careful in what I buy. I tend to think of the money spent as the cost of education. I now have some real Tezuka art.

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A propos de Osamu Tezuka

Osamu Tezuka (手塚治虫, Tezuka Osamu?) est un mangaka, animateur, character designer, producteur, scénariste d'anime, travaillant sous le pseudonyme homophone 治虫, dont la lecture osamu mushi rappelle le nom japonais d'un insecte : osamushi (筬虫)1. Sa force de création est colossale : plus de 170 000 pages dessinées au cours de sa carrière. Il a signé environ 700 œuvres et réalisé environ 70 séries animées, téléfilms animés, longs et courts-métrages d'animation2. Plus de 120 millions de mangas ont été vendus depuis sa disparition en 1989. Son œuvre comprend quatre caractéristiques majeures constantes : le respect de l'environnement naturel, le respect de la vie et de toutes les créatures vivantes, un profond scepticisme envers la science et la civilisation, et un solide engagement pour la paix et contre la guerre.