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Blackjack page by Osamu Tezuka - forgery - Comic Strip

Blackjack page by Osamu Tezuka - forgery

Comic Strip


Here is a page I have had framed on my wall since I got it and it is still one of my favorite pages despite it being a forgery. There is a long story behind this but this is one of the many forgeries that Manga Legends out of Tokyo put out. I estimate maybe 3 dozen pieces by top manga-ka were sold by them over a several year period. If you search Manga Legends you should be able to find an article I helped with and some friends wrote. It is only when closely compared to the published page that the details start to accumulate. In the end, I ended up loosing several thousands of dollars but got to keep this piece which I think looks great and reminds me every day to be careful in what I buy. I tend to think of the money spent as the cost of education. I now have some real Tezuka art.

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