Tony Daniel, Matt Banning, 2014-05 Daniel/Banning: Superman/Wonder Woman #6 p10 - Comic Strip

2014-05 Daniel/Banning: Superman/Wonder Woman #6 p10

Comic Strip
Added on 11/20/19


A lot of black silhouettes with a frenetic fight on a modern silent page.
This really worked for me.

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About Tony Daniel

Antonio Salvador Daniel, known professionally as Tony Daniel or Tony S. Daniel, is an American comic book writer and artist, known for his work on various books for DC Comics, including Teen Titans, Flash: The Fastest Man Alive and Batman. Daniel worked on various titles with Image Comics including his own creation The Tenth. He also worked on titles for Marvel Comics. He gained status at DC Comics with his run on Teen Titans with writer Geoff Johns. He finished out the short lived Flash: The Fastest Man Alive series with Marc Guggenheim from issues #11-13, which ended with Bart Allen's death. From there, Daniel began his work for the main Batman title with writer Grant Morrison, beginning his run with issue #670. This issue began the Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul crossover. He and Morrison collaborated on the major Batman R.I.P. during that time. After "R.I.P.", Daniel wrote and illustrated Battle for the Cowl, the main mini-series dealing with the story's aftermath.