Original art : 1 - 4 on 4

Bran Ruz - Planche 127

Claude Auclair Alain Deschamps (Writer)
Added by Robin14669 - 9/12/21 657 , 6 , 2  

Dubois, L'angelot du Quinzième, planche n°1, 1982.

Stéphane Dubois (Inker) Alain Deschamps (Writer)
Added by oscarls1 - 9/4/21 572 , 10 , 1

Dubois, L'angelot du Quinzième, planche n°2, 1983.

Stéphane Dubois (Inker) Alain Deschamps (Writer)
Added by Kiki06 - 4/5/21 781 , 12 , 3

Bran Ruz

Claude Auclair Alain Deschamps (Writer)
Added by juthisylv - 1/3/20 787 , 2 , 1

Browse 'Alain Deschamps' comic art classified by releases :

  • Bran Ruz 1981
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