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YoannB's collection
84 artworks
72 comments received
769 comments posted
(Petit) collectionneur de dessins originaux depuis quelques années, j'en présente ici quelques uns.
Illustration de pin-up
Fritz Willis
Glamor Girls
Don Flowers
Recherche graphique de Drew Struzan pour l'affiche du film Disney Tall Tale
Drew Struzan
YoannB's Galleries
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All artworks (84)
Adam Rex (1 artwork)
Alfredo Capitani (1 artwork)
Artiste Inconnu - Rial Le Loup (5 artworks)
Artistes inconnus (2 artworks)
Bandes dessinées Aredit / Artima (14 artworks)
Bob Carr Dell (1 artwork)
Bob Clarke (1 artwork)
Charles Gates Sheldon (1 artwork)
Chéri Hérouard (1 artwork)
Dave Berg (1 artwork)
David Sque (1 artwork)
Don Flowers (7 artworks)
Doug Potter (1 artwork)
Drew Struzan (2 artworks)
Ed Nofziger (1 artwork)
Ernesto Garcia (1 artwork)
Fernando Fernandez (7 artworks)
Frank Bolle (2 artworks)
Fritz Willis (1 artwork)
George Wunder (1 artwork)
Jean (-Marie) Kerleroux (1 artwork)
Jeff Cummins (1 artwork)
Jim Bresnan (1 artwork)
Joe Albistur (1 artwork)
Joseph Duport (3 artworks)
Joseph J. Gould (1 artwork)
Léopoldo Sanchez Ortiz (4 artworks)
Mario De Berardinis - Mos (2 artworks)
Natalia Sanabria (2 artworks)
Rebecca Krehbiel (2 artworks)
Reynold Brown (1 artwork)
Scott Roberts - Will Blyberg (10 artworks)
Vince Giarrano (1 artwork)
William Galbraith Crawford (2 artworks)
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Joe Albistur (1 artwork)
Dave Berg (1 artwork)
Will Blyberg (10 artworks)
Joan Boix (4 artworks)
Frank Bolle (2 artworks)
Jim Bresnan (1 artwork)
Reynold Brown (1 artwork)
Alfredo Capitani (1 artwork)
Bob Clarke (1 artwork)
William Galbraith Crawford (2 artworks)
Jeff Cummins (1 artwork)
Mario De Berardinis (2 artworks)
Joe De Mers (1 artwork)
Robert Carr Dell (1 artwork)
Joseph Duport (3 artworks)
Jesus Durán Castillo (1 artwork)
Fernando Fernandez (7 artworks)
Don Flowers (7 artworks)
Ernesto Garcia Seijas (1 artwork)
Vince Giarrano (1 artwork)
Joseph J. Gould (1 artwork)
Chéri Hérouard (1 artwork)
Jean-Marie Kerleroux (1 artwork)
Rebecca Krehbiel (2 artworks)
Ed Nofziger (1 artwork)
Leopoldo Ortiz (4 artworks)
Doug Potter (1 artwork)
Adam Rex (1 artwork)
Scott Roberts (10 artworks)
Natalia Sanabria (2 artworks)
Charles Gates Sheldon (1 artwork)
David Sque (1 artwork)
Drew Struzan (2 artworks)
unknown (16 artworks)
Fritz Willis (1 artwork)
George Wunder (1 artwork)
YoannB's favorite art
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Mes favorites sur 2DG. (210 artworks)