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VoodooLtd's collection
81 artworks
46 comments received
41 comments posted
X-Men by John Byrne
John Byrne
Savage Sword of Conan #39 page 9
Sal Buscema
Captain America Annual #5 page 10
Gene Colan
X-Men : Wolverine par John Byrne
John Byrne
VoodooLtd's Galleries
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All artworks (81)
Commissions (32 artworks)
Convention Sketches (34 artworks)
Planches Originales (15 artworks)
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Neal Adams (1 artwork)
Dave Aikins (1 artwork)
Eddy Barrows (3 artworks)
Lee Bermejo (2 artworks)
Mark Brooks (1 artwork)
Sal Buscema (1 artwork)
John Byrne (3 artworks)
Jim Calafiore (1 artwork)
Elsa Charretier (1 artwork)
Jo Chen (1 artwork)
Gene Colan (1 artwork)
Fernando Dagnino (2 artworks)
Alan Davis (7 artworks)
Simon Davis (1 artwork)
Steven Defendini (1 artwork)
Mike Deodato Jr. (1 artwork)
Tom Derenick (1 artwork)
Tony DeZuniga (2 artworks)
Paco Diaz (1 artwork)
Mark Farmer (2 artworks)
Eber Ferreira (2 artworks)
Ramona Fradon (2 artworks)
Gary Frank (2 artworks)
Mike Grell (2 artworks)
Nathan Greno (1 artwork)
Gabriel Hardman (1 artwork)
Jack Herbert (8 artworks)
Jamal Igle (1 artwork)
Geof Isherwood (1 artwork)
Phil Jimenez (2 artworks)
J. G. Jones (1 artwork)
Ryan Kelly (2 artworks)
Barry Kitson (1 artwork)
Scott Kolins (1 artwork)
Bob Layton (1 artwork)
Alex Maleev (1 artwork)
Guillem March (1 artwork)
Mike McKone (1 artwork)
Bob McLeod (1 artwork)
Jesus Merino (1 artwork)
Romano Molenaar (2 artworks)
Phil Noto (1 artwork)
Brent Peeples (1 artwork)
George Perez (3 artworks)
Keith Pollard (1 artwork)
Paul Renaud (2 artworks)
Esad Ribic (1 artwork)
Paolo Rivera (1 artwork)
Alex Ross (1 artwork)
Joe Rubinstein (2 artworks)
Jimbo Salgado (1 artwork)
Manuel Sanjulián (1 artwork)
Steve Scott (1 artwork)
Jonathan Sibal (2 artworks)
Bill Sienkiewicz (2 artworks)
Dave Simons (1 artwork)
Matthew Sutton (1 artwork)
Roy Thomas (1 artwork)
Bruce Timm (1 artwork)
George Tuska (1 artwork)
VoodooLtd's favorite art
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Wantlist (5 artworks)
VoodooLtd's favorite artists
All favorite artists (3)
John Buscema
John Byrne
Gary Frank