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See renardeau's art for sale
Renardeau's collection
Premium Member
115 artworks
645 comments received
1,190 comments posted
Learn more about me by reading 2DG's What If...?
1965 - Sibylline, "Sibylline"
Raymond Macherot
1969 - Gaston, gag n°574 (Le trampoline)
André Franquin
1971 - Les Petits Hommes, "Des petits hommes au Brontoxique"
Pierre Seron
1971 - "Paulette"
Georges Pichard
1973 - Le génie des alpages
1974 - Les Frustrés
Claire Bretécher
1974 - Sammy, "Le gorille à huit pattes"
1976 - Natacha, "Le 13ème apôtre"
François Walthéry
1978 - Victor Sébastopol
Jacques Devos
1978 - Le Goulag
1980 - "La vedette"
Malo Louarn
1980 - Lester Cockney, "Les fous de Kaboul"
renardeau's Galleries
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All artworks (115)
A - Classiques tradition franco-belge (37 artworks)
B - Modernes tradition franco-belge (41 artworks)
BB - Modernes (7 artworks)
C - Charlie Mensuel, l'Echo des Savanes (5 artworks)
D - Métal-Hurlant (1 artwork)
F - Fluide Glacial (2 artworks)
FF - Fumetti (5 artworks)
IEA - Italiens, espagnols, argentins... (5 artworks)
IL - Illustrations (1 artwork)
US - Classiques US (6 artworks)
USC - Comics US (3 artworks)
ZZ - Mes ventes (2 artworks)
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Enrique Abuli (1 artwork)
José Cabrero Arnal (1 artwork)
William Augel (1 artwork)
Daniel Bardet (1 artwork)
Eduardo Barreto (4 artworks)
Christophe Bec (2 artworks)
Berck (2 artworks)
Philippe Bercovici (1 artwork)
Jordi Bernet (1 artwork)
Denis Bodart (6 artworks)
Rog Bollen (1 artwork)
Mikaël Bourgouin (1 artwork)
Claire Bretécher (1 artwork)
Bob Brown (1 artwork)
Vincent Brugeas (1 artwork)
Raoul Buzzelli (3 artworks)
Raoul Cauvin (3 artworks)
Stéphane Colman (1 artwork)
Luc Cornillon (1 artwork)
François Corteggiani (1 artwork)
Luc Cromheecke (2 artworks)
John Marc De Matteis (1 artwork)
Yvan Delporte (1 artwork)
Marcel Denis (1 artwork)
Jean-Claude Denis (1 artwork)
François Dermaut (1 artwork)
Stephen Desberg (1 artwork)
Desprechins (3 artworks)
Jacques Devos (2 artworks)
Dimitri (2 artworks)
Chuck Dixon (1 artwork)
Xavier Dorison (1 artwork)
Danie Dubos (1 artwork)
Nicolas Dumontheuil (2 artworks)
Will Eisner (1 artwork)
F'murrr (1 artwork)
Xavier Fauche (1 artwork)
John Flanders (1 artwork)
Philippe Foerster (2 artworks)
René Follet (2 artworks)
André Franquin (2 artworks)
Franz (1 artwork)
Leone Frollo (1 artwork)
Serge Gennaux (2 artworks)
Robert Gigi (1 artwork)
Greg (1 artwork)
Hao (4 artworks)
Marc Hardy (3 artworks)
Homère :) (1 artwork)
Frédéric Jannin (1 artwork)
Jérôme Jouvray (1 artwork)
Olivier Jouvray (1 artwork)
Erik Juszezak (1 artwork)
Walt Kelly (1 artwork)
Bill Kresse (1 artwork)
Pierre Le Gall (1 artwork)
Frank Le Gall (1 artwork)
Simon Léturgie (6 artworks)
Jean Léturgie (2 artworks)
Martin Lodewijk (1 artwork)
Malo Louarn (2 artworks)
Philippe Luguy (1 artwork)
Julie M. (1 artwork)
Raymond Macherot (5 artworks)
Makyo (2 artworks)
Domingo Mandrafina (2 artworks)
Thierry Martin (1 artwork)
Attilio Micheluzzi (2 artworks)
Mittéï (1 artwork)
Jean-Yves Mitton (1 artwork)
Giuseppe Montanari (1 artwork)
Victor Mora (1 artwork)
Guy Mouminoux (4 artworks)
Mythic (1 artwork)
Eddy Paape (1 artwork)
Antonio Parras (2 artworks)
Georges Pichard (5 artworks)
Christopher Priest (1 artwork)
Marcel Remacle (2 artworks)
Renaud (1 artwork)
Guillermo Saccomano (1 artwork)
Olivier Saive (2 artworks)
Bruno Saive (1 artwork)
Pierre Seron (9 artworks)
Jean-Michel Thiriet (1 artwork)
Maurice Tillieux (2 artworks)
Ronan Toulhoat (1 artwork)
Carlos Trillo (1 artwork)
Fabien Vehlmann (1 artwork)
François Walthéry (1 artwork)
Marc Wasterlain (5 artworks)
Georges Wolinski (2 artworks)
Wally Wood (1 artwork)
Olivier Wozniak (1 artwork)
Berni Wrightson (1 artwork)
Yann (8 artworks)