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Philmas collection
Premium Member
126 artworks
234 comments received
37 comments posted
Gil Jourdan - Surboum pour 4 roues - planche n°5
Maurice Tillieux
Olivier Rameau - Le canon de la bonne humeur - pl.30
Couverture Game Over - Best Of Blorks
Docteur Poche - Karabouilla - pl.5
Marc Wasterlain
Achille Talon - Gag n°377 en 2 planches
Cédric - gag T.7
Vieux Nick - Le vaisseau du diable - pl.40
Marcel Remacle
Sibylline - Sibylline et la betterave - pl.13 page 35
Raymond Macherot
Kid Paddle - gag 448
Chick Bill - L'aidant de la mer - couverture
Sophie T.2 - La bulle du silence - planche 31
Couverture journal Tintin n°10 - 35ème année - 1980
Philmas's Galleries
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All artworks (126)
Albert, Eric (2 artworks)
Attanasio (1 artwork)
Bastide (1 artwork)
Beuriot (3 artworks)
Dany (1 artwork)
Davis, Jim (1 artwork)
De Gieter (2 artworks)
Dédicaces (16 artworks)
Derib (1 artwork)
Dupa (23 artworks)
Geerts (1 artwork)
Greg (3 artworks)
Hislaire/Yslaire (1 artwork)
Jailloux (1 artwork)
Jidéhem (1 artwork)
Jovanovic (1 artwork)
Kiko (2 artworks)
Laudec (1 artwork)
Lauzier (1 artwork)
Macherot (5 artworks)
Mangin (1 artwork)
Midam (16 artworks)
Olis (2 artworks)
Peyo (2 artworks)
Reding (14 artworks)
Remacle (8 artworks)
Seron (4 artworks)
Serre (2 artworks)
Tibet (3 artworks)
Tillieux (1 artwork)
Turk (1 artwork)
Verron (2 artworks)
Walt Disney (1 artwork)
Wasterlain (1 artwork)
Browse by artist :
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Adam (1 artwork)
Eric Albert (2 artworks)
Alcante (1 artwork)
Dino Attanasio (1 artwork)
Jean Bastide (1 artwork)
Batem (1 artwork)
Jean-Michel Beuriot (3 artworks)
Raoul Cauvin (1 artwork)
Christophe Cazenove (1 artwork)
Dany (1 artwork)
Jim Davis (1 artwork)
Lucien De Gieter (2 artworks)
Bob De Groot (1 artwork)
Derib (1 artwork)
André-Paul Duchâteau (1 artwork)
Dupa (23 artworks)
André Geerts (1 artwork)
Giacometti (2 artworks)
François Gilson (1 artwork)
Greg (7 artworks)
René Guillaume (1 artwork)
Bernard Hislaire (2 artworks)
Marc Jailloux (1 artwork)
Jidéhem (2 artworks)
Milan Jovanovic (1 artwork)
Kiko (2 artworks)
Laudec (1 artwork)
Gérard Lauzier (1 artwork)
Raymond Macherot (5 artworks)
Olivier Mangin (1 artwork)
Jack Manini (1 artwork)
Jacques Martin (1 artwork)
Midam (26 artworks)
Mittéï (2 artworks)
Olis (2 artworks)
Peyo (2 artworks)
Ravenne (2 artworks)
Raymond Reding (14 artworks)
Marcel Remacle (8 artworks)
Philippe Richelle (1 artwork)
Jean Roba (1 artwork)
Maurice Rosy (1 artwork)
Roger Seiter (1 artwork)
Pierre Seron (4 artworks)
Claude Serre (2 artworks)
Tibet (3 artworks)
Maurice Tillieux (1 artwork)
Turk (1 artwork)
Laurent Verron (2 artworks)
Vicq (1 artwork)
François Walthéry (2 artworks)
Marc Wasterlain (3 artworks)
Yann (2 artworks)
Philmas's favorite artists
All favorite artists (2)
Jean-Michel Beuriot
Marc Jailloux