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Paolo56's collection
95 artworks
63 comments received
6 comments posted
Will Eisner, The Spirit 1949
Will Eisner
George McManus, The Newlyweds, 1910
George McManus
Guido Scala (et Bottaro), PEPITO, années 60
Guido Scala
Jacovitti, original pour une carte postal pour les Alliés, 1945
Benito Jacovitti
Paolo56's Galleries
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Classic COMIC ART (95 artworks)
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Franco Aloisi (1 artwork)
Francesco Tullio Altan (1 artwork)
Carl Barks (1 artwork)
Angelo Bioletto (1 artwork)
Henry Blanc (1 artwork)
Luciano Bottaro (5 artworks)
Jack Bradbury (1 artwork)
Dik Browne (1 artwork)
Guido Buzzelli (1 artwork)
Edmond-François Calvo (1 artwork)
Al Capp (1 artwork)
Giovan Battista Carpi (5 artworks)
Giulio Chierchini (1 artwork)
François Craenhals (1 artwork)
Phil De Lara (2 artworks)
Pier Lorenzo De Vita (2 artworks)
Billy DeBeck (1 artwork)
Nicola Del Principe (1 artwork)
Frank Dickens (1 artwork)
Rudolph Dirks (1 artwork)
Dupa (1 artwork)
Harvey Eisemberg (2 artworks)
Harvey Eisenberg (1 artwork)
Will Eisner (1 artwork)
Fontaine Fox (1 artwork)
Francis (1 artwork)
André Franquin (1 artwork)
Floyd Gottfredson (1 artwork)
Chester Gould (1 artwork)
Greg (1 artwork)
Johnny Hart (1 artwork)
Ralph Heimdahl (2 artworks)
George Herriman (1 artwork)
Al Hubbard (1 artwork)
Benito Jacovitti (6 artworks)
Walt Kelly (1 artwork)
Raymond Macherot (2 artworks)
Magnus (1 artwork)
Bob McCay (1 artwork)
Winsor McCay (1 artwork)
Tom McKimson (1 artwork)
George McManus (3 artworks)
Mik (1 artwork)
Gross Milt (1 artwork)
Walter Molino (1 artwork)
Paul Murry (2 artworks)
Erio Nicolò (1 artwork)
Frederick Opper (1 artwork)
Richard Felton Outcault (1 artwork)
Nino Pagot (1 artwork)
Giuseppe Perego (1 artwork)
Peyo (1 artwork)
Émile-Joseph Pinchon (1 artwork)
Hank Porter (1 artwork)
Giorgio Rebuffi (1 artwork)
Jean Roba (1 artwork)
Marco Rota (1 artwork)
Antonio Rubino (1 artwork)
Bud Sagendorf (1 artwork)
Alain Saint-Ogan (1 artwork)
Guido Scala (1 artwork)
Romano Scarpa (3 artworks)
Elzie Crisler Segar (1 artwork)
Sempé (1 artwork)
Charles Small (1 artwork)
Tony Strobl (1 artwork)
Ferdinando Tacconi (1 artwork)
Tibet (2 artworks)
Albert Uderzo (1 artwork)
Mort Walker (1 artwork)
tom wood (1 artwork)
Paolo56's favorite art
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Mes oeuvres favori (1 artworks)