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OGWotasnozzle's collection
166 artworks
277 comments received
157 comments posted
Les trucs de Pépé Malin
Caroline Choléra
Georges Pichard
Le banquet des dieux
Nikita Mandryka
Pervers Pépère à la bougie
OGWotasnozzle's Galleries
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All artworks (166)
Ma petite collec. (166 artworks)
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Alexis (6 artworks)
José Cabrero Arnal (3 artworks)
Tex Avery (1 artwork)
Ferdinand Bac (1 artwork)
Bara (1 artwork)
Naro Barbato (1 artwork)
Bélom (1 artwork)
Philippe Bercovici (1 artwork)
Preston Blair (1 artwork)
Henry Blanc (1 artwork)
Michel Blanc-Dumont (1 artwork)
Bonaventure (1 artwork)
Yves Bordes (1 artwork)
Luciano Bottaro (1 artwork)
Henri Bourdens (1 artwork)
Rémy Bourlès (1 artwork)
Martin Branner (1 artwork)
Max Cabanes (2 artworks)
Milton Caniff (1 artwork)
Caran d'Ache (14 artworks)
Giorgio Cavazzano (1 artwork)
Cézard (6 artworks)
Cloval (1 artwork)
Eduardo Coelho (1 artwork)
Sophie Commenge (1 artwork)
Didier Conrad (1 artwork)
Corrald (1 artwork)
François Corteggiani (7 artworks)
Frédéric Dard (1 artwork)
Roland De Montaubert (3 artworks)
Peter De Sève (3 artworks)
Angelo Di Marco (2 artworks)
Rudolph Dirks (1 artwork)
Gérard Dorville (1 artwork)
Danie Dubos (1 artwork)
Albert Dubout (2 artworks)
Henri Dufranne (1 artwork)
Dupa (1 artwork)
Jean Effel (1 artwork)
Érik (1 artwork)
Abel Faivre (1 artwork)
Pierre Farinole (1 artwork)
Michel Faure (1 artwork)
Bud Fisher (1 artwork)
Jean-Claude Forest (3 artworks)
Louis Forton (8 artworks)
Fred (2 artworks)
Fernando Fusco (1 artwork)
André Gaudelette (1 artwork)
Gébé (1 artwork)
Henry Gerbault (1 artwork)
René Giffey (4 artworks)
Eugène Gire (1 artwork)
Peter Glay (2 artworks)
Gog (1 artwork)
Rube Goldberg (1 artwork)
Daniel Goossens (3 artworks)
Gotlib (13 artworks)
Greg (2 artworks)
Herlé (3 artworks)
Andy Hettinger (1 artwork)
Hugot (1 artwork)
Isa (1 artwork)
Jeronaton (1 artwork)
Claude-Henri Juillard (1 artwork)
Kline (1 artwork)
Louis Lachance (1 artwork)
Pierre Lacroix (1 artwork)
André Lamorthe (1 artwork)
Jean Laneuville (1 artwork)
Gérard Lauzier (1 artwork)
Léon Lebègue (1 artwork)
Roger Lécureux (2 artworks)
Jean-Marc Lelong (1 artwork)
Jacques Lerouge (1 artwork)
Georges Lévis (1 artwork)
Stanley Link (1 artwork)
Jacques Lob (6 artworks)
Roger Mallat (1 artwork)
Nikita Mandryka (4 artworks)
Marijac (1 artwork)
Claude Marin (2 artworks)
Mat (1 artwork)
Winsor McCay (1 artwork)
George McManus (1 artwork)
Lucien Metivet (3 artworks)
Jean-Yves Mitton (1 artwork)
Arthur Ragland "Pop" Momand (1 artwork)
Henri Monier (1 artwork)
Edward Nelson Bridwell (1 artwork)
Bob Oksner (1 artwork)
Jean Ollivier (3 artworks)
Jack Orcin (1 artwork)
René Pellos (6 artworks)
Georges Pichard (7 artworks)
Joseph Porphyre Pinchon (2 artworks)
Raymond Poïvet (1 artwork)
Pierre Probst (1 artwork)
Jean-Marc Reiser (1 artwork)
Maxime Roubinet (1 artwork)
Bud Sagendorf (1 artwork)
Al Severin (1 artwork)
John Severin (1 artwork)
Claude Shafer (1 artwork)
Al Smith (1 artwork)
Ralph Soupault (1 artwork)
Robert-Louis Stevenson (1 artwork)
Tetsu (2 artworks)
Jean-Michel Thiriet (1 artwork)
Thoiré-Bar (1 artwork)
Raoul Thomen (1 artwork)
Pierre Tranchand (1 artwork)
Jean Trubert (1 artwork)
Louis Tybalt (1 artwork)
unknown (1 artwork)
Andrés Vázquez de Sola (1 artwork)
Vica (2 artworks)
Bill Ward (3 artworks)
Roger Widenlocher (2 artworks)
Doc Winner (1 artwork)
Wally Wood (1 artwork)
George Wunder (1 artwork)
Zeke Zekley (1 artwork)
OGWotasnozzle's favorite artists
All favorite artists (20)
José Cabrero Arnal
Caran d'Ache
André Franquin
Paul Gillon
Jean Giraud
Daniel Goossens
Nikita Mandryka
Winsor McCay
René Pellos
Georges Pichard
Jean-Marc Reiser
Albert Uderzo
Wally Wood