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OBA23's collection
471 artworks
109 comments received
20 comments posted
Druuna Zero - Anima
Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri
Laurent Paturaud
Frédéric Genêt
Les Voiles - T1
OBA23's Galleries
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All artworks (471)
Oba (471 artworks)
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Pierre Alary (1 artwork)
Alep (1 artwork)
Horacio Altuna (3 artworks)
Mohamed Aouamri (3 artworks)
Scotch Arleston (2 artworks)
Jo-El Azara (1 artwork)
Roberto Baldazzini (1 artwork)
Anne Baltus (1 artwork)
Denis Béchu (2 artworks)
Bédu (1 artwork)
Joseph Béhé (1 artwork)
Benjamin Benéteau (2 artworks)
Francis Bergèse (2 artworks)
Olivier Berlion (1 artwork)
Jordi Bernet (2 artworks)
Dominique Bertail (1 artwork)
Bertea (1 artwork)
Philippe Berthet (3 artworks)
Mathieu Berthod (1 artwork)
Enki Bilal (2 artworks)
Brice Bingono (1 artwork)
Olaf Boccère (1 artwork)
Yves Bordes (1 artwork)
Émile Bravo (1 artwork)
Enrique Breccia (1 artwork)
Philippe Briones (1 artwork)
Roger Brunel (1 artwork)
Marc Bruyninx (1 artwork)
Eric Buche (3 artworks)
Philippe Buchet (2 artworks)
Max Cabanes (1 artwork)
Christian Cailleaux (1 artwork)
Thierry Capezzone (2 artworks)
Frank Carin (1 artwork)
Javier Casado (1 artwork)
Didier Cassegrain (1 artwork)
Emmanuel Cassier (1 artwork)
Francesco Castelli (1 artwork)
Daniel Ceppi (5 artworks)
Eric Chabbert (1 artwork)
Alexis Chabert (1 artwork)
Chaiko (3 artworks)
Gilles Chaillet (2 artworks)
Chanouga (2 artworks)
Jean-François Charles (3 artworks)
André Chéret (1 artwork)
Chetville (1 artwork)
Didier Comès (1 artwork)
Sophie Commenge (1 artwork)
Didier Conrad (2 artworks)
Eric Corbeyran (1 artwork)
Cosey (2 artworks)
Carlo Cossio (1 artwork)
Cristiano Crescenzi (1 artwork)
Pascal Croci (1 artwork)
Damien (1 artwork)
Dany (11 artworks)
Olivier Dauger (1 artwork)
Mauro de Luca (1 artwork)
Giulio De Vita (1 artwork)
Nicolas Debon (1 artwork)
Philippe Delaby (1 artwork)
Deloupy (5 artworks)
Christian Denayer (1 artwork)
Derib (4 artworks)
François Dermaut (1 artwork)
Isabelle Dethan (1 artwork)
Jacques Devos (5 artworks)
Bruno Di Sano (2 artworks)
Djief (1 artwork)
Thomas Du Caju (1 artwork)
André-Paul Duchâteau (1 artwork)
Jean Dufaux (1 artwork)
Vincent Dutreuil (3 artworks)
Thomas Ehretsmann (1 artwork)
Ersel (3 artworks)
Michel Faure (1 artwork)
Aly Fell (1 artwork)
Ferry (2 artworks)
Adrien Floch (1 artwork)
Philippe Francq (1 artwork)
Franz (3 artworks)
Christelle Galland (1 artwork)
Renaud Garreta (1 artwork)
Philippe Gauckler (3 artworks)
Bruno Gazzotti (1 artwork)
Frédéric Genêt (1 artwork)
Jacques Géron (2 artworks)
Vittorio Giardino (2 artworks)
Gihef (1 artwork)
Christophe Girard (1 artwork)
Thierry Girod (3 artworks)
Brice Goepfert (1 artwork)
goethals (1 artwork)
Gos (2 artworks)
Dorothy Granjo (1 artwork)
Jean Graton (2 artworks)
Olivier Grenson (2 artworks)
Griffo (1 artwork)
Juanjo Guarnido (1 artwork)
Dominique Hé (2 artworks)
Alain Henriet (2 artworks)
Hermann (5 artworks)
Patrick Hermann (1 artwork)
Herrmann (3 artworks)
Gaëlle Hersent (1 artwork)
Patrick Hitte (2 artworks)
Romain Hugault (4 artworks)
Miles Hyman (1 artwork)
ikna (1 artwork)
Iko (1 artwork)
Luc Jacamon (1 artwork)
Jafar (1 artwork)
Marcel Jaradin (1 artwork)
Philippe Jarbinet (4 artworks)
Charles Jarry (1 artwork)
Jérémy (1 artwork)
Jidéhem (1 artwork)
Youri Jigounov (1 artwork)
Pierre Joubert (1 artwork)
Jérôme Jouvray (2 artworks)
André Juillard (3 artworks)
Jung (1 artwork)
Joël Jurion (1 artwork)
Patrick Jusseaume (1 artwork)
Erik Juszezak (1 artwork)
Jean-Philippe Kalonji (1 artwork)
Kas (2 artworks)
Malo Kerfriden (1 artwork)
Kiko (1 artwork)
Michel Koeniguer (4 artworks)
Daniel Koller (1 artwork)
Jean-Charles Kraehn (1 artwork)
Krum (1 artwork)
Hugues Labiano (1 artwork)
Willy Lambil (1 artwork)
Serge Le Tendre (1 artwork)
Yves Lécossois (1 artwork)
Thomas Legrain (1 artwork)
Leo (3 artworks)
Emmanuel Lepage (1 artwork)
Liberatore (2 artworks)
Régis Loisel (1 artwork)
Loustal (1 artwork)
Eric Loutte (1 artwork)
Sergio Macedo (2 artworks)
Toshio Maeda (1 artwork)
Julien Maffre (1 artwork)
Magda (1 artwork)
Nicolas Malfin (1 artwork)
Malik (2 artworks)
Milo Manara (1 artwork)
Jack Manini (1 artwork)
Giuseppe Manunta (2 artworks)
Mara (1 artwork)
Frank Margerin (2 artworks)
Olivier Marin (1 artwork)
Enrico Marini (4 artworks)
Marcel Marlier (1 artwork)
Jacques Martin (4 artworks)
Thierry Martinet (1 artwork)
Marvano (4 artworks)
Mazan (1 artwork)
Lucy Mazel (1 artwork)
Félix Meynet (16 artworks)
Jean-Claude Mézières (1 artwork)
Gilles Mezzomo (1 artwork)
Michetz (3 artworks)
Walter Minus (1 artwork)
Ana Mirallès (2 artworks)
MiTacq (3 artworks)
Jean-Yves Mitton (5 artworks)
Alexandre Morellon (1 artwork)
Aurélien Morinière (1 artwork)
Alain Mounier (1 artwork)
Jared Muralt (1 artwork)
Viviane Nicaise (1 artwork)
Gaston Niezab (1 artwork)
Nicolas Otéro (2 artworks)
Eddy Paape (1 artwork)
Gilles Pascal (1 artwork)
Laurent Paturaud (2 artworks)
Patrice Pellerin (1 artwork)
Régis Penet (1 artwork)
Lucio Perinotto (1 artwork)
Frédéric Peynet (1 artwork)
Pietrantonio Bruno (2 artworks)
Arthur Piroton (1 artwork)
Jean Pleyers (1 artwork)
Arnaud Poitevin (1 artwork)
Raives (1 artwork)
Henri Reculé (4 artworks)
Raymond Reding (1 artwork)
Reglat-vizzanova (1 artwork)
Régric (1 artwork)
Renaud (5 artworks)
Giovanni Rigano (1 artwork)
Benoît Roels (2 artworks)
José Roosevelt (2 artworks)
Grzegorz Rosinski (7 artworks)
Christian Rossi (1 artwork)
Michel Rouge (1 artwork)
Patrice Sanahujas (1 artwork)
Sylvain Savoia (1 artwork)
Michel Schetter (4 artworks)
Etienne Schréder (2 artworks)
Giorgio Scudellari (1 artwork)
Diego Septiembre (1 artwork)
Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri (1 artwork)
Stéphane Servain (1 artwork)
Jean-Claude Servais (1 artwork)
Sidney (2 artworks)
Jean Sidobre (2 artworks)
Laurent Sieurac (1 artwork)
Alain Sikorski (1 artwork)
Christophe Simon (1 artwork)
Sms (1 artwork)
Benoît Sokal (1 artwork)
Pham Minh Son (2 artworks)
Olivier Speltens (1 artwork)
Éric Stalner (6 artworks)
Jean-Marc Stalner (1 artwork)
Kevan Stevens (1 artwork)
Yves Swolfs (5 artworks)
TaDuc (2 artworks)
Jacques Tardi (1 artwork)
André Taymans (15 artworks)
Tibet (3 artworks)
Béatrice Tillier (2 artworks)
Yann Tisseron (2 artworks)
Marcial Toledano (3 artworks)
Tome (1 artwork)
H Tonton (1 artwork)
Ciro Tota (2 artworks)
Trif (1 artwork)
Stefano Turconi (1 artwork)
Valdman (1 artwork)
Vallès (2 artworks)
Francis Vallès (1 artwork)
Valp (5 artworks)
William Vance (2 artworks)
Philippe Vandaële (1 artwork)
Alberto Varanda (1 artwork)
Alex Varenne (2 artworks)
Christian Verhaeghe (1 artwork)
Martin Veyron (1 artwork)
Laurent Vicomte (1 artwork)
Vincent (1 artwork)
Vink (2 artworks)
Thomas Von Kummant (5 artworks)
Bernard Vrancken (2 artworks)
Philippe Vuillemin (1 artwork)
Gerard Vuillemin (1 artwork)
François Walthéry (2 artworks)
Éric Warnauts (5 artworks)
Albert Weinberg (8 artworks)
Michel Weyland (3 artworks)
Will (1 artwork)
Etienne Willem (3 artworks)
Francis Winis (1 artwork)
Yslaire (1 artwork)
Zep (2 artworks)
OBA23's favorite art
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Favorite (33 artworks)
Whishlist (4 artworks)
OBA23's favorite artists
All favorite artists (54)
Alex Alice
Jordi Bernet
Philippe Berthet
François Bourgeon
Philippe Buchet
Guido Crepax
Paul Cuvelier
Philippe Delaby
Stephen Desberg
Philippe Francq
Leone Frollo
Vittorio Giardino
Jean-Pierre Gibrat
Thierry Girod
Juanjo Guarnido
Dominique Hé
François-Joseph Herman
Romain Hugault
Luc Jacamon
Edgar Pierre Jacobs
Pierre Joubert
Patrick Jusseaume
Hugues Labiano
Georges Lévis
Milo Manara
Alan Moore
Alain Mounier
Olivier Neuray
Patrice Pellerin
Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri
Jean Sidobre
Yves Swolfs
Jiro Taniguchi
Jacques Tardi
Marcial Toledano
William Vance
Alex Varenne
Laurent Vicomte
Erich Von Götha
Thomas Von Kummant
Wally Wood