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KarloKarlo's collection
Premium Member
233 artworks
319 comments received
298 comments posted
Theodore Poussin
Frank Le Gall
Albert Uderzo
Woods Gallery
François Avril
Peter Pan
Régis Loisel
KarloKarlo's Galleries
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Browse KarloKarlo's galleries
Browse by gallery :
All artworks (233)
Albert Weinberg (3 artworks)
André Juillard (4 artworks)
Blanc Dumont (2 artworks)
Eddy Paape (3 artworks)
Edika (2 artworks)
Enki Bilal (5 artworks)
Enrico Marini (4 artworks)
Esad Ribic (2 artworks)
Frank Le Gall (3 artworks)
Frank Margerin (5 artworks)
Frank Pe (3 artworks)
Frederik Peeters (2 artworks)
Gibrat (5 artworks)
Gothopolis (32 artworks)
Gotlib (2 artworks)
Hergé (7 artworks)
Hermann (3 artworks)
Hugo Pratt (1 artwork)
Jack Kirby (3 artworks)
Jacques Tardi (5 artworks)
Jean Giraud (2 artworks)
Jim Davis (4 artworks)
Karlokarlo (32 artworks)
Loisel Regis (12 artworks)
Loustal (2 artworks)
Milo Manara (6 artworks)
Milton Caniff (5 artworks)
Moebius (4 artworks)
Peyo (2 artworks)
Sorel Guillaume (4 artworks)
Spirou (4 artworks)
Super Heroes Batman (10 artworks)
Super Heroes Captain America (3 artworks)
Super Heroes Spider-Man (5 artworks)
Super Heroes Superman (12 artworks)
Tanino Liberatore (3 artworks)
Tibet (3 artworks)
Tony Millionaire (3 artworks)
Uderzo Albert (16 artworks)
William Vance (2 artworks)
Yslaire (3 artworks)
Browse by artist :
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Achdé (1 artwork)
Philippe Adamov (2 artworks)
Greg Adams (1 artwork)
Charlie Adlard (2 artworks)
Lyman Anderson (1 artwork)
Ross Andru (1 artwork)
François Avril (1 artwork)
Carl Barks (1 artwork)
Eduardo Barreto (1 artwork)
Joe Bennett (1 artwork)
Ted Benoit (1 artwork)
Dave Berg (1 artwork)
Enki Bilal (5 artworks)
Larry Blake (1 artwork)
Michel Blanc-Dumont (2 artworks)
François Boucq (1 artwork)
Mark D. Bright (3 artworks)
Bob Brown (1 artwork)
Reilly Brown (1 artwork)
Dik Browne (1 artwork)
Joe Brozowski (1 artwork)
Brüno (1 artwork)
Charles Burns (2 artworks)
Sal Buscema (1 artwork)
Buzz (1 artwork)
Jim Calafiore (1 artwork)
John Calnan (2 artworks)
Milton Caniff (5 artworks)
Mike Carey (1 artwork)
Vince Colletta (1 artwork)
Cosey (1 artwork)
Jim Davis (4 artworks)
Nicolas De Crécy (2 artworks)
Sam De La Rosa (1 artwork)
Nelson Decastro (1 artwork)
Kim DeMulder (1 artwork)
Mike Deodato Jr. (1 artwork)
Dick Dillin (2 artworks)
Terry Dodson (1 artwork)
Philippe Druillet (1 artwork)
Dupa (1 artwork)
Édika (2 artworks)
Mike Esposito (1 artwork)
Glenn Fabry (1 artwork)
Wayne Faucher (1 artwork)
André Franquin (1 artwork)
Neil Gaiman (1 artwork)
Jean-Pierre Gibrat (5 artworks)
Joe Giella (1 artwork)
Dick Giordano (1 artwork)
Jean Giraud (2 artworks)
Gotlib (3 artworks)
Chester Gould (1 artwork)
Greg (1 artwork)
Bill Griffith (1 artwork)
Juanjo Guarnido (2 artworks)
jackson guice (1 artwork)
Chad Hardin (1 artwork)
Studios Hergé (5 artworks)
Hergé (1 artwork)
Hermann (3 artworks)
George Herriman (1 artwork)
Dave Hunt (1 artwork)
Stuart Immonen (1 artwork)
Carmine Infantino (1 artwork)
Michel Janvier (1 artwork)
André Juillard (4 artworks)
Bob Kane (1 artwork)
Gil Kane (1 artwork)
Jack Kirby (3 artworks)
Adam Kubert (1 artwork)
Peter Kuper (1 artwork)
Frank Le Gall (3 artworks)
Olivier Ledroit (1 artwork)
Liberatore (3 artworks)
Larry Lieber (1 artwork)
Régis Loisel (12 artworks)
Loustal (2 artworks)
Raymond Macherot (1 artwork)
Milo Manara (6 artworks)
Pablo Marcos (1 artwork)
Frank Margerin (5 artworks)
Enrico Marini (4 artworks)
Miguel Ángel Martín (1 artwork)
Mark McKenna (1 artwork)
Frank McLaughlin (1 artwork)
Gregor Mecklenburg (1 artwork)
Mezzo (1 artwork)
Mike Mignola (1 artwork)
Frank Miller (1 artwork)
Tony Millionaire (3 artworks)
Moebius (4 artworks)
Bob Moore (1 artwork)
Tony Moore (1 artwork)
Mark Morales (1 artwork)
Sean Murphy (1 artwork)
Don Newton (1 artwork)
ngam (1 artwork)
not known (1 artwork)
Eddy Paape (3 artworks)
Dan Panosian (1 artwork)
George Papp (1 artwork)
Frank Pé (3 artworks)
Frederik Peeters (2 artworks)
Peyo (2 artworks)
Georges Pichard (1 artwork)
Joe Pimentel (1 artwork)
Hugo Pratt (1 artwork)
Humberto Ramos (1 artwork)
Ron Randall (1 artwork)
Alex Raymond (1 artwork)
Marcel Remacle (2 artworks)
Esad Ribic (2 artworks)
Don Rosa (1 artwork)
Steve Rude (1 artwork)
Tim Sale (1 artwork)
Kurt Schaffenberger (2 artworks)
Charles M. Schulz (1 artwork)
Olivier Schwartz (1 artwork)
Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri (1 artwork)
Al Severin (1 artwork)
Gilbert Shelton (1 artwork)
Jean Solé (1 artwork)
Guillaume Sorel (4 artworks)
Curt Swan (6 artworks)
Ferdinando Tacconi (1 artwork)
Romeo Tanghal (1 artwork)
Jacques Tardi (5 artworks)
Mike Thibodeaux (1 artwork)
Tibet (3 artworks)
alan turner (1 artwork)
George Tuska (1 artwork)
Albert Uderzo (11 artworks)
Studios Uderzo (5 artworks)
William Vance (2 artworks)
Wade Von Grawbadger (1 artwork)
Albert Weinberg (3 artworks)
Bob Wiacek (1 artwork)
Will (1 artwork)
freddy williams (1 artwork)
Yoann (2 artworks)
Yslaire (3 artworks)
Zep (1 artwork)
Patrick Zircher (1 artwork)
KarloKarlo's favorite artists
All favorite artists (7)
Enki Bilal
Régis Loisel
Hugo Pratt
François Schuiten
Jacques Tardi
Albert Uderzo