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DavidF's collection
23 artworks
11 comments received
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The small collection of a collector from Spain
Nuit de rêve by Barbucci
Alessandro Barbucci
Franka #8: "De ondergang van de Donderdraak" p31
Henk Kuijpers
Percevan #12: "Le septième sceau" p23
Philippe Luguy
Lanfeust Mag #53 - Cover (Luuna)
Nicolas Kéramidas
DavidF's Galleries
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All artworks (23)
Comic strips (2 artworks)
Dédicaces (2 artworks)
Disney (7 artworks)
European artists (12 artworks)
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Alessandro Barbucci (1 artwork)
Purita Campos (2 artworks)
Giovan Battista Carpi (1 artwork)
Giorgio Cavazzano (2 artworks)
Pierre Christin (1 artwork)
Massimo De Vita (1 artwork)
Sandro Del Conte (1 artwork)
Miguel Díaz Vizoso (1 artwork)
Phillip Douglas (2 artworks)
Miroslav Dragan (2 artworks)
Janry (1 artwork)
Alain Jost (1 artwork)
Nicolas Kéramidas (1 artwork)
Henk Kuijpers (1 artwork)
Jean Léturgie (1 artwork)
Bobby London (1 artwork)
Philippe Luguy (1 artwork)
Massimo Marconi (1 artwork)
Frank Margerin (1 artwork)
Oscar Martin (3 artworks)
Guido Martina (2 artworks)
Jean-Claude Mézières (1 artwork)
Paolo Mottura (1 artwork)
Don Rosa (1 artwork)
Bud Sagendorf (1 artwork)
Romano Scarpa (1 artwork)
Tome (1 artwork)
Emilio Van der Zuiden (1 artwork)