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ComicArtFan's collection
192 artworks
512 comments received
1,250 comments posted
Collectionneur depuis plusieurs années. Bonne visite
Druuna - Mise en couleur originale
Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri
Milo Manara
Serpieri : Mise en couleur pour Druuna : Morbus Gravis, Page 28
Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri
Druuna Tome 5 - Mandragora
Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri
ComicArtFan's Galleries
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L'univers des comics (51 artworks)
Les maîtres de l'érotisme (27 artworks)
Les Mondes de Bilal (19 artworks)
Pages originales (95 artworks)
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Ian Akin (1 artwork)
Ross Andru (2 artworks)
Mohamed Aouamri (2 artworks)
Enki Bilal (19 artworks)
Bob Brown (2 artworks)
Sal Buscema (1 artwork)
John Byrne (2 artworks)
Caza (2 artworks)
André Chéret (2 artworks)
Emmanuel Civiello (1 artwork)
Dave Cockrum (1 artwork)
Philippe Druillet (16 artworks)
Christopher Dunn (1 artwork)
Scot Eaton (1 artwork)
David Finch (6 artworks)
Richard Friend (2 artworks)
Juan Giménez (16 artworks)
Greg (1 artwork)
Don Heck (1 artwork)
Olivier Ledroit (24 artworks)
Jim Lee (1 artwork)
Liberatore (5 artworks)
Lidwine (2 artworks)
Régis Loisel (1 artwork)
Vincent Mallié (1 artwork)
Milo Manara (19 artworks)
Enrico Marini (1 artwork)
Marcel Marlier (2 artworks)
Jaime Mendoza (1 artwork)
Jean-Yves Mitton (17 artworks)
Moebius (4 artworks)
Jim Mooney (1 artwork)
Sean Murphy (13 artworks)
Tom Palmer (1 artwork)
Thierry Ségur (1 artwork)
Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri (6 artworks)
Frank Springer (2 artworks)
Stan & Vince (1 artwork)
François Thomas (2 artworks)
Bob Wiacek (1 artwork)
Wally Wood (1 artwork)
Yslaire (15 artworks)
ComicArtFan's favorite art
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Illustrations (4 artworks)
ComicArtFan's favorite artists
All favorite artists (8)
Enki Bilal
John Byrne
Olivier Ledroit
Milo Manara
Jean-Yves Mitton
Sean Murphy
Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri