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See Cedric's art for sale
Cedric's collection
Premium Member
52 artworks
373 comments received
135 comments posted
Gibrat Jeanne
Jean-Pierre Gibrat
Gibrat Jeanne
Jean-Pierre Gibrat
Murena-T2 De sable et de sang
Philippe Delaby
Enki Bilal
Cedric's Galleries
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Browse Cedric's galleries
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All artworks (52)
Couvertures (4 artworks)
Illustrations couleur (27 artworks)
Illustrations N et B (3 artworks)
Planches (15 artworks)
Vente (3 artworks)
Browse by artist :
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François Avril (2 artworks)
Fabien Bedouel (1 artwork)
André Benn (1 artwork)
Fred Bernard (2 artworks)
Enki Bilal (1 artwork)
Christophe Blain (1 artwork)
Brüno (1 artwork)
Massimo Carnevale (1 artwork)
Catel (1 artwork)
Didier Conrad (3 artworks)
Dominique Corbasson (2 artworks)
Dany (2 artworks)
Philippe Delaby (1 artwork)
Jean Dufaux (1 artwork)
Jean-Pierre Gibrat (2 artworks)
Luc Jacamon (1 artwork)
André Juillard (4 artworks)
Manu Larcenet (1 artwork)
Mathieu Lauffray (2 artworks)
Ingrid Liman (3 artworks)
Loustal (1 artwork)
Milo Manara (1 artwork)
Enrico Marini (1 artwork)
Montse Martín (1 artwork)
Merwan (1 artwork)
Sean Murphy (2 artworks)
Phil Noto (1 artwork)
Frank Pé (1 artwork)
Rubén Pellejero (1 artwork)
Patrice Pellerin (1 artwork)
Phicil (1 artwork)
Hugo Pratt (2 artworks)
Grzegorz Rosinski (1 artwork)
Joann Sfar (1 artwork)
Guillaume Sorel (2 artworks)
Fabrice Tarrin (1 artwork)
Dan Verlinden (1 artwork)
Will (1 artwork)
Yslaire (1 artwork)
Sergio Zaniboni (1 artwork)
Cedric's favorite art
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J’adore ... (24 artworks)
Cedric's favorite artists
All favorite artists (32)
Andréi Arinouchkine
Alessandro Barbucci
Philippe Berthet
Enki Bilal
Christophe Blain
Matthieu Bonhomme
Didier Conrad
Philippe Delaby
André Franquin
Jean-Pierre Gibrat
Jean Giraud
Pierre-Henry Gomont
André Juillard
Mathieu Lauffray
Olivier Ledroit
Régis Loisel
Milo Manara
Enrico Marini
Walter Minus
Ana Mirallès
François Miville-Deschênes
Martín Montse
Sean Murphy
Cyril Pedrosa
François Ravard
Grzegorz Rosinski
Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri
Joann Sfar
Jacques Tardi
Bastien Vivès
Claire Wendling