Bert Bus was a Dutch comics author with a career spanning from the late 1940s throughout the 1980s. Most of his series appeared in the comics magazine Sjors and its successors Eppo, Eppo Wordt Vervolgd and Sjors & Sjimmie Stripblad. Bus' career can be called unique in the Netherlands. He was the only Dutch artist who spent over 40 years working on his own comic creations as a staff artist and not on a freelance basis, securing him of a steady income and retirement pay. His series alternated between science fiction and history, and include such creations as 'Olaf Noord' (1953-1957), 'Theban, de eerste wereldreiziger' (1957-1959), 'Cliff Rendall' (1963-1965)', 'Stef Ardoba' (1975-1982), 'Malorix' (1983-1985) and 'Russ Bender' (1986-1989). Bus is furthermore remembered by an entire generation of comics fans for his locally produced version of the British comic 'Archie the Robot' (1971-1974). Bus ranked the American artist Alex Raymond ('Flash Gordon') among his main influences for his sci-fi work, while Hal Foster ('Prince Valiant') was an example for his historical comics. His passion for history also came to blossom in his activities as an amateur archeologist in the Velsen region.