In Robin14669 's collection
Hans Kresse, Vidocq (Den Haag, 1988) - Sketch

Vidocq (Den Haag, 1988)

Hans Kresse - Strip-3-daagse, Den Haag 1988 (Foto: Adri Beunder)
Vidocq - Verzamelde stripverhalen (Geïllustreerde Pers, 1970)
De avonturen van Vidocq (Oberon, 1977)
Vidocq 2 - De ratten van Parijs en andere verhalen (Oberon 1980)
Vidocq 3 - De gedoemden (Stripwinkel Sjors, 1990)


Hans G. Kresse signed only two times for an audience during his career: in 1977 in Angoulême and on november 11 1988 at the Strip-3-Daagse festival in The Hague, the Netherlands. It was on this occasion I met Kresse and asked him, to his big surprise, for a drawing of Vidocq, the character he created in 1965-1970 for the Dutch comic magazine Pep and continued in 1986-87 for Eppo Wordt Vervolgd magazine with three new stories.

Added are the four Dutch book covers of Vidocq, published in 1970 - 1990.
See also the photo of Kresse during his signing in The Hague (making another Vidocq drawing!), taken by Adri Beunder.

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About Hans Kresse

Hans George Kresse is one of the most important artists in Dutch comics. Even outside Holland, Kresse is considered one of the best realistic comic artists in the world. He is best known for the famous 'Eric de Noorman' series, but during his active years, Kresse published a considerable amount of other material.