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The Wake 'The Monster' character design and studies by Sean Murphy - Œuvre originale

The Wake 'The Monster' character design and studies by Sean Murphy

Œuvre originale
circa 2014
Encre de Chine
Published Page
Published Pages


The Wake by Vertigo Comics
The Mer / Monster face & body designs
by Sean Murphy

This character design was published in the director's cut of issue #1 (August 28th, 2014) and again in the hardcover trade (November 11th, 2014).

These were all the options Sean drew for himself and series writer, Scott Snyder in the early stages of creating the book. These pieces were drawn on multiple pages (1 large on left and 3 smaller pages on right) and were recently signed by Sean at the NC Comicon in Durham, NC, November 15, 2014.

In an interview with Scott Snyder he stated the creature was inspired by a prehistoric shark found on the coast of Japan years ago :

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A propos de Sean Murphy

Sean Gordon Murphy, est un encreur, dessinateur et un scénariste américain de comics connu pour avoir travaillé sur des ouvrages tels que Batman/Scarecrow : Year One, Teen Titans, Hellblazer : City of Demons, Shaun of the Dead, Joe the Barbarian, American Vampire : Survival of the Fittest, et Punk Rock Jesus.

Autres planches originales et illustrations liées à Sean Murphy :