In bullesdado  's collection
Milton Caniff, Terry and the pirates - Comic Strip

Terry and the pirates

Comic Strip
50 x 60 cm (19.69 x 23.62 in.)
Added on 3/13/23


Encre de chine et aplats noirs réalisés par le maître du noir et blanc " Milton Caniff" pour une planche originale de "Terry and the pirates"

Trés grand format: 60cm x 50cm

la demi-planche A est une reproduction encrée
la demi-planche B est authentique

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About Milton Caniff

Milton Arthur Paul Caniff is an American comic strip artist best known for his comic strips Terry and the Pirates and Steve Canyon. He is considered a master of black and white. He was the fourth author to be added to the Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame in 1988.