In YLB  's collection
Pyongyang by Guy Delisle - Original Cover


Original Cover
circa 2002
Mixed Media
Dessin original + couverture détachée du livre (encadrement noyer et verre clarity filtre UV 92%)
Explication modification inscription monument
Suite explication modification inscription monument


Ce dessin original, édité en couverture, apparaît également en page intérieure du livre.

Sur la couverture de la première édition du livre, le texte en façade du monument est celui du dessin original. Ce texte a été modifié par Guy Delisle dans la deuxième édition. L'explication de cette modification est apportée par Delisle dans les documents ci-joints, qu'il m'a aimablement transmis.

Cette suite de Shenzen est une plongée hallucinante en Corée du Nord. Le plus effrayant est sans doute que Delisle ne nous montre que la "vitrine respectable" du régime de Kim Il-Sung, le fameux président éternel ...


  • Pyongyang
  • L'association
  • 05/2003
  • Front cover

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About Guy Delisle

After his studies in plastic arts, Guy Delisle went to work for the animation studios CinéGroupe in Montréal. When the studios folded, Delisle went to Europe, where he worked in a studio in Munich for six months. After having lived in Berlin and Valence, he finally settled in Montpellier in 1991. Although he had done an occasional comic, he began his actual comics career at L'Assocation in 1995. His work appeared in the periodical Lapin, and later on in albums like 'Réflexion' and 'Aline et les autres'. His experiences as a supervisor of animation work of studios in Asia were recounted in tho graphic novels 'Shenzhen' (2000) and 'Pyongyang' (2003). Delisle is also a contributor to the Canadian magazine Spoutnik. In 2001, he began the series 'Inspecteur Moroni' in the collection Poisson Pilote at Dargaud. In addition, Delisle is active in the animation field, working on the cartoon versions of 'Papyrus' and 'Passiflore' for Dupuis-Animation and Proté-Créa. His trip to Myanmar (Burma) with his wife, who is a Médecins Sans Frontières administrator, was chronicled in 'Chroniques Birmanes' (2007). Text (c) Lambiek