In apix 's collection
Jaime Brocal Remohí, Claude Moliterni, Mise en couleur avec son celluloïd - Taar - Original art

Mise en couleur avec son celluloïd - Taar

Original art
circa 1977
20.5 x 25.5 cm (8.07 x 10.04 in.)


Planche à 5 cases.

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About Jaime Brocal Remohí

Jaime Brocal Remohí was born in Valencia, Spain. He began his professional career at the early age of 18, drawing 'Orjitas y Conchi' and 'Los Cuentos de Triblin' in Peques. He then contributed to collections like 'Lirio' (Editorial Maga) and 'Lili' (Editorial Ferma), before teaming up with scriptwriter Arizmendi to make comic adaptations of classics like Jules Verne's 'From Earth to Moon' for the publishing house Valenciana in the late 1950s. In 1960 he created his first heroic fantasy hero, 'Katan', which was published in a 48-issue collection by Toray, as well as the French publisher Arédit. This was followed by 'Ögan', created with scriptwriter Mariano Hispanio for Boixher in 1966. From then on, Brocal would hardly leave the heroic fantasy subject. By the early 1970s he created 'Kronan', a series published in Trinca magazine, and he made stories for the James Warren horror magazines in the USA. Brocal created many stories for the magazines Creepy and Eerie until 1976, making a lot of one-episode stories, as well as the series 'The Mummy Walks'. Brocal continued the 'Ta-ar' albums for Dargaud until 1988, and then left the company since he didn't agree with the new owner's ideas. Later on Brocal tended to make mostly illustrations, doing covers and illustrations for Planeta de Agostini. Text (c) Lambiek