In Zibbhebu  's collection
Bob Leguay, Mesure de sécurité. Tex-Tone mensuel n°223, planche 10, 3ème trimestre 1966, Imperia - Comic Strip

Mesure de sécurité. Tex-Tone mensuel n°223, planche 10, 3ème trimestre 1966, Imperia

Comic Strip


Une planche schizophrénique qu'en tant que passionné de petits formats je ne pouvais pas louper: Tex bat Willer ! Ok ce n'est pas le bon Tex et ce n'est pas le bon Willer, mais tout de même... Format 25x16cm.


  • Le maitre de Piedras Negras
  • Impéria
  • 08/1966
  • Interior page


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About Bob Leguay

Robert Leguay was twenty years of age when he showed his first artwork to Publi-Vog publishers in Nice. From 1947 to 1950 he created several stories of 'King le Vengeur' and 'Garry Kid' for this publisher. In 1952 the joined Artima publishers, where he succeeded the Giordan brothers on 'Tim l'Audace', a series he drew until 1962. In the 1960s, Leguay worked mostly for the periodicals of Imperia publishers, such as Buck John, Kit Carson, Tex Tone, Caribou and Jim Canada. However, during this period, Leguay reduced his comics activities to do several jobs on the side, like decoration, restauration and dancing. In the second half of 1970s he lived in the States, where he made paintings and portraits. He returned to his birthtown Nice in 1980, where he took on creating comics again, this time in the erotic genre. For Bédé Adult, he made among others 'Duke White' with Patrick Morin and 'Les Aventures Bestiales de Mary-Jean' with Soldero. He was also present ini Le Triangle Noir with 'Les Aventures de Matthieu', another series in cooperation with Morin. Bob Leguay retired in 1984. Text (c) Lambiek