Dans la collection de Thanodinsson
Medusa par Antonello Venditti - Illustration originale


Illustration originale
Peinture - acrylique
85 x 95 cm (33.46 x 37.4 in.)


Portrait of Medusa
Work exhibited at the word trade center in Beijing at the international art fair in 2010. One of the 6 works representing Italian painting of that year. The only one of the six works presented to be published in the prestigious catalog of that year (attached in the photo).
technique: Acrylic on jute canvas
size: base 85 x height 95 cm
year: 2005
The work has stable and slight signs of aging.

Antonello Venditti Art
Illustrator - writer - visual artist - painter
Collects various prizes of impromptu painting, national and international competitions. Manzù Prize 2004 - Selection as an Italian painter at the Art Beijing 2010 'International Art Fair, exhibiting at the world trade center in Beijing., Caresio Prize 2016 and selection in the 50 OverLuk 2017 awards. Fanucci publisher. He has illustrated covers for great names in international fantastic literature, among which the following stand out: Robert Jordan, Robin Hobb, John Gwynne and Megan Whalen Turner.

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