Dans la collection de Sanssouci
Martin Asbury | 1982 | Garth The Space Mods (Q16) - Planche originale

Martin Asbury | 1982 | Garth The Space Mods (Q16)

Planche originale
Encre de Chine

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A propos de Martin Asbury

Martin Asbury is a British comic and storyboard artist, best known for drawing the Garth strip in the Daily Mirror from 1976 to 1997, and for his colour TV adaptations in Look-in. Asbury was educated at Merchant Taylors School and at Saint Martin's School of Art, London, and started work in strip cartoons, including assisting Dan Barry on Flash Gordon in Austria. After a period designing greetings cards, he got work at D. C. Thomson, drawing "Secret of the Sheridan Sisters" for Bunty and "Soldiers of the Jet Age" and "The Crimson Claw" for Hotspur, before moving to TV Century 21, drawing "Joe 90" and the football strip "Forward from the Back-Streets", starting in 1969. He then drew "Captain Scarlet" for Countdown, starting in 1971. When Countdown was relaunched as TV Action in 1973, Asbury got an early opportunity to work in colour on "Cannon".