In grelots 's collection
Maître Berger n°6 "La vengeresse"
Page 27
Aux éditions Glénat
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About Patrick Dumas
Patrick A. Dumas made his first comic pages for the fanzine Falatoff in the mid-1970s. In 1976 he created his own magazine, Sortilèges Stories, specialized in comics and science fiction. Four years later, he created the 'Patrick Maudick' series, strongly inspired by the oeuvre of Edgar Pierre Jacobs, that appeared in Circus and later Gomme.
Dumas teamed up with François Rivière to create 'Dossier Secret de Maître Berger' in Circus, a series that ran from 1984 to 1993. With the same scenarist, Dumas also took on 'La Confrérie de l'Horloge', a comics project that remains unpublished. Patrick Dumas has been active in the videogame field from 1994 to 2001. He returned to comics in 2002, when he made 'L'Oeil de Shiva' for Kiwi at Semic France. He then associated himself with Jean-Yves Brouard, and created the series 'Les Aventures d'Allan Mac Bride' in 2004.
Text (c) Lambiek