In Bidibulle  's collection
Théo, Le trone d'argile T4 - Sketch

Le trone d'argile T4

Le trône d'argile T4


Dédicace sur EO Le trône d'argile
Tome 4 La mort des rois

Scénario : Jarry, Nicolas
Dessin : Theo
Couleurs : Pieri, Lorenzo
Dépot légal : 02/2010 (Parution le 17/02/2010)
Achev. impr. : 01/2010
Editeur : Delcourt
Collection : Histoire & Histoires

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About Théo

Théo Caneschi was born in Vinci, Tuscany. He took courses from the International School of Comics from 1994. He became a member of the Florence studio Inklink in 1998, where he worked alongside artists like Luigi Critone. Caneschi made numerous illustrations and historical reconstructions for Italian and European museums. In 2000 he was asked by the publishing house Delcourt to do the artwork of the historical comic series 'Le Trône d'Argile', that is written by Nicholas Jarry and France Richemond. In 2009 he teamed up with Alejandro Jodorowsky to make a comic about pope Jules II, called 'Le Pape Terrible'. Text (c) Lambiek