In jlucparker 's collection
René Giffey, Le Pyjama et le mari - Original Illustration

Le Pyjama et le mari

Original Illustration
Oeuvre complète


J'ai toujours voulu un Giffey mais pas n'importe lequel. Je voulais du mouvement et un visage souriant et "frais".
Je suis ravis.
Années 1930
Joli travail à la plume et à l'encre de chine pour "Parisiana".

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About René Giffey

René Giffey was one of the most prolific and most talented French artists of the first half of the 20th Century, creating an incredible amount of work over a 50-years career. Giffey got his artistic education at the National School of Decorative Arts and the School of Fine Arts in his native city Paris. Text (c) Lambiek