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Le Mystère de la plante Tako Dick Briel - Comic Strip

Le Mystère de la plante Tako Dick Briel

Comic Strip
36.5 x 48.5 cm (14.37 x 19.09 in.)
Added on 10/28/18
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Dernière case qui a inspiré la couverture de l'album chez Glénat (+ signature)
Couverture de l'album paru chez Glénat


Planche du premier album des aventures du Professeur La Palme


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Planche originale du premier album des aventures du Professeur La Palme : Le Mystère de la plante Tako par le dessinateur hollandais Dick Briel (1950 - 2011) adepte de la ligne claire. 1ère parution dans le magazine EPPO en 1979. Les personnages rappellent certains personnages (secondaires) de Hergé ...
La dernière case a largement inspiré le dessin de couverture.
Port en sus depuis la Belgique.


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About Dick Briel

Dick Briel, who was born in Leiden, studied at the Rietveld Art Academy. He is best known for his series about 'Professor Palmboom', which first appeared in Eppo in 1979. Two albums were published by Oberon in the 1980s. With its Clear Line style and 1950s atmosphere, the series also found its way to the French-speaking audience. In addition to the adventures of Julius Palmboom, Briel also made humorous stories with 'Hulbert' for Mickey Maandblad, and did contributions to Titanic, before slowly disappearing from the comics scene in the mid-1980s. After several years of absense, Dick Briel reappeared in Veronicablad as the co-writer with Ruud den Drijver of the humorous horror comic 'Max en Mummie', drawn at first by Steven Dupré (1995) and then by Wout Paulussen (1995-96). In 1997, he finished a new 'Julius Palmboom' story, which was also published in the Veronicagids and in an album by Arboris in 1999. Dick Briel passed away after a short illness in his hometown Rijswijk in September 2011. He was working on a fourth story of his science fiction series. Text (c) Lambiek