Nicolas Tabary, Elric, Jul, Le calife Haroun el Poussah - Sketch

Le calife Haroun el Poussah



Dédicace sur le tome 31 "moi calife" de la série IZNOGOUD
EO éditions IMAV octobre 2021
festival de ROCHEFORT 2022


Daté et signé


L'album comprend les dédicaces de TABARY (HAROUIN EL POUSSAH) et ELRIC (IZNOGOUD)
selon Nicolas TABARY, il s'agit d'une de ses dernières dédicaces car il arrête la série IZENOGOUD au profit de ELRIC

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About Nicolas Tabary

Nicolas Tabary was born in Paris as the son of comic artist Jean Tabary in 1966. He started out assisting his father on the coloring of his comic series 'Iznogoud' and 'Corinne et Jeannot', and additionally worked in the field of advertising. When his father was forced to retire, Nicolas drew the 28th 'Iznogoud' album on his own, from a script by his brother and sister Stéphane and Muriel Tabary-Dumas. It was published by Éditions Tabary in 2008.