In TAYABIS  's collection
José Ortiz, Kirkor Yalengadian - le fugitif de l'île Baolinia - Comic Strip

Kirkor Yalengadian - le fugitif de l'île Baolinia

Comic Strip
34 x 47 cm (13.39 x 18.5 in.)


Planche 25 de l'épisode de Kirkor Yalengadian - le fugitif de l'île Baolinia paru dans Vengeur n°2 aux éditions Artima en 1957.

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About José Ortiz

José Ortiz Moya was a Spanish comic artist with a career spanning over 60 years. He is best known for his collaborations with Antonio Segura and for his agency work for foreign publishers. Born in Cartagena, Murcia, his career commenced after winning a contest organized by the Spanish magazine Chicos. Throughout the 1950s, he did his first professional work for pocket-sized comics published by Editorial Maga, including 'Capitan Don Nadie', 'Ballin', 'Sebastian Vargas', 'Dan Barry el Terremoto', 'Pantera Negra', 'Jungla', 'El Duque Negro' and 'Johnny Fogata'. In 1958, he was additionally present at Toray with 'Sigur el Vikingo'. Ortiz is best known for his work for foreign publishers, especially Fleetway in Britain and Warren in the USA. In 1962, he illustrated the comic strip 'Caroline Baker, Barrister at Law' for the English newspaper Daily Express. During the 1960s he also drew 'Smokeman' and 'UFO Agent' for Eagle magazine, 'The Phantom Viking' in Lion and contributed to Fleetway collections like Air Arce Picture Library, Commando Library and the Battle Picture Library. Text (c) Lambiek