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Joe Shuster Superman Commission 1985 San Diego CC - Original Illustration

Joe Shuster Superman Commission 1985 San Diego CC

Original Illustration
Colored Pencil
26 x 40 cm (10.24 x 15.75 in.)


These were 4 different drawings in the set that Joe Shuster drew and sold when he attended San Diego Comicon in 1985.

Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster are the spiritual fathers of 'Superman' (1938), the most famous superhero comic on Earth, along with Bob Kane's 'Batman' and Stan Lee and Steve Ditko's 'Spider-Man'. Siegel was the franchise's first scriptwriter, while Shuster was its first artist. Together they laid the foundations for the character's entire mythos. They gave him an origin story, a home city – Metropolis – and introduced characters who are still used by 'Superman' comics artists today, such as Lois Lane, Jor-El, Jimmy Olsen and Lex Luthor. The impact of the most famous Kryptonian of all time cannot be underestimated. Superman not only became one of the most iconic comics characters of all time: he spawned an entirely new and quintessential American genre: superhero comics. An entire industry was built around comic books about humanitarian crusaders with inhuman powers. Virtually all of them have taken elements from tropes pioneered by Siegel and Shuster. The duo was directly responsible for turning DC Comics into one of the major comics companies in the world. And yet, no matter how many other superheroes have been created since, Superman remains the most legendary. He is the only one who managed to become an internationally recognizable American national symbol, only matched by Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse in terms of global resonance. Sadly, Siegel and Shuster's lifestory is also very American. Despite creating an international hit they were never able to profit from it because of contractual issues. Others became billionaires with their creations, while they almost went bankrupt. In their case "truth, justice and the American way" left a very sour aftertaste...


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